Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Kind Fo Tobacco Is Used For Marlboro

Il vero ingegnere...

Non ha vita sociale - e può dimostrarlo matematicamente.
Adora il dolore (specie su se stesso).
Conosce perfettamente il calcolo vettoriale, ma non si ricorda come fare una divisione a mano.
Ridacchia ogni volta che sente parlare di 'forza centrifuga'.
Conosce ogni singola funzione their own graphing calculator.
When you look in the mirror, he sees a degree in Engineering.
If outside is beautiful and there are 30 degrees, is at home working on the computer.
whistle frequently the tune of Mac Gyver.
also studied for the exams on Friday evening.
Sa stem the flow of water in the bathtub and integrate the required volume from the ingredients of the chicken.
Think "mathematically".
He calculated that the Serie A championship diverges for A sufficiently large.
If you can not try to fix too items, for fear of interfering with their wave functions.
has a cat as a scientist.
Ride at jokes about mathematicians.
is sought by the Animal Control because she tried the experiment of Schrödinger cat on your own.
directly translates Italian in binary format.
I just can not remember what's behind the door of the Computing Center marked "EXIT".
is Coke-dependent.
Try to move as little as possible in order not to contribute to the entropic death of the Universe.
unscientific to consider any other course too easy.
When the professor asks the delivery of the project, claims to be able to calculate the vibrational time so accurately, that according to Heisenberg's principle, it could be anywhere in the universe.
Assume as a working hypothesis that a "horse" approach to a "ball" to simplify the math.
Ride at least five points on this list.
makes a print of this file, and if the attacks at home.


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