Friday, November 12, 2010

Can Metal Detector Locate Ipod Touch


recipe and photo of Alessandra Cenci

Ingredients for two people: one or two cloves
garlic, olive oil, red pepper, 4 ounces fresh porcini mushrooms, chestnuts 6 each, 3-to-head nuts, parsley, soy cream, maltagliati Spelt (recommended 70-80 grams per person) being particularly rich in this dish.

Cut the chestnuts with a cross cut in the pericarp or peel in order to open them, cut them in two or three pieces each, also to ensure that there is no mold or larvae inside. Boil water in a little quarter of an hour to soften them, after they have softened more easily be freed of the thin layer of film that surrounds them. Wash mushrooms, remove the last part of the stalk, cut into strips lengthwise and cook them separately, putting them in a casserole or a kwok where did you gently fry the garlic with olive oil and crushed red pepper. If the mushrooms are fresh cominceranno a perdere acqua. Nel frattempo aprire le noci, e sminuzzare i gherigli riducendoli poi in polvere fine con un pestello. Quando l’acqua sarà evaporata dal kwok, aggiungere le noci polverizzate e le castagne che avrete battuto con il pestello che saranno diventate farinose, a questo punto dopo aver fatto amalgamare insieme funghi, noci e castagne con l’aggiunta di pochissima acqua per non farle bruciare per circa cinque minuti, potrete aggiungere la panna di soia. Chi preferisce può utilizzare anche la panna normale, ma la panna di soia è in genere più leggera e più digeribile e non contiene grassi saturi e colesterolo ed adatta a chi è intollerante al lattosio. Dopo pochi minuti il sugo è pronto e lo potete spegnere. Apart from the bake maltagliati spelled, you can find them in all health food stores. When he was two minutes at the end of their cooking and drain ripassateli the pan for two minutes with the sauce that you prepared and bring to the table.
Properties of European chestnut (Castanea sativa )
Chestnut is certainly a genuine because the fruit of the chestnut cultivation does not require the use of pesticides. Although the plant appears to originate in the Black Sea or the Caucasus, probably imported from the Greeks and Romans is well adapted to our climate. The fruit is rich in sugars, particularly sucrose, which is present in greater quantities than wheat, nuts and potatoes, then follow the other sugars fructose and maltose. Chestnuts contain high quality proteins, the presence of vitamins C, B1, B2, PP and a few grassi.Essendo too rich in sugar, and calorie in general, the chestnuts are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes, while just food for sportsmen, are recommended in cases of fatigue, for those subject to stress, and also are a valuable alternative food for both children and adults who are lactose intolerant. They are rich in fibers that stimulate peristalsis, and the growth of probiotic bacteria in the intestines to help prevent inflammation of the intestine and are excellent for reducing colesteroloemia.
properties of walnuts (Juglans Regia )
They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that help lower cholesterol, are also rich in folic acid, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin B6 as well as various trace elements like magnesium, copper, zinc , selenium, phosphorus and potassium. They are rich in protein and fiber. Finally contain melatonin, a powerful antioxidant properties that are attributed to brain health benefits.
Properties of porcini mushrooms (Boletus edulis )
Their habitat consists mainly of conifers and deciduous trees. The ancient Chinese and Japanese used them as drugs to increase the body's defenses. They are rich in potassium, essential amino acids and vitamin B. They have a low in calories and fat, in fact, some use them in the diets.

From: # ixzz157415EpH
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