Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oxford Wörterbuch Reg


Foto di Alessandra Cenci – Mar Morto (Israele)

La vita nasce dalle profondità saline oceans, bacteria and blue-green algae were the first living things. L 'importance of salt feeding was well known, as is often the ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a bargaining chip, hence the origin of the word salary. Salt is important for the transmission of nerve impulses to the saline water balance of the blood and all body fluids, yet many today are all too familiar problems associated with excessive use of salt as hypertension, fluid retention, edema, until some forms of stomach cancer. Unfortunately, most of the salt is on the market today is no longer the one obtained by simple evaporation of seawater, but it has per l’98% da cloruro di sodio, inoltre è stato sottoposto ad un processo industriale di raffinazione privandolo degli altri oligoelementi essenziali considerati a torto impurità e sbiancato artificialmente. Il sale marino integrale, ossia quello ottenuto per semplice evaporazione dall’acqua di mare, contiene una concentrazione ridotta di Sodio, ed una maggiore concentrazione di Potassio e Magnesio, Calcio, Iodio e Fluoro, ma anche tracce di ferro, zinco, rame ed altri. La composizione dell’acqua di mare e quindi del suo sale è molto complessa e varia a seconda delle aree geografiche, della geologia del suolo, dalle caratteristiche delle specie animali e vegetali appartenenti a quel dato ecosistema e via via. Eppure una ricerca J. of Geleijme British Journal on 1994 showed that in hypertensives the use of sea salt has reduced the beneficial effect of blood pressure with potassium and magnesium and calcium. Blood pressure is in fact regulated by the balance of calcium, magnesium and potassium in relation to sodium. E 'was also found a correlation between magnesium deficiency and risk of heart attack. Obviously this salt should be used very sparingly, and should limit consumption of foods with added salt on the market. Another problem concerns the refining iodine. Because as I wrote above, since the refinery is lost most of the other trace elements, it was thought to enrich refined salt with iodine. Iodized salt is a chemical supplement is not natural. The Dr. Noel R. Rose and L. Rasooly, immunologists at Johns Hopkins University (USA) showed that "while a small amount of iodine, such as that present in seawater, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid, an excess of iodine can lead to autoimmune thyroiditis in individuals who have a genetic susceptible. Moreover, Dr. Bottaccioli writes in his book "Immunity and brain health" was known for some time that in people with disorders of arrhythmia, amioradone treated with an anti-arrhythmic drug that contains iodine, occurred a higher presence of autoantibodies against thyroglobulin, the substance from which the thyroid gland synthesizes its own hormones. Finally, some experimental studies have also shown that the fluoride content in natural sea salt is able to prevent tooth decay, and thanks to the presence of sodium chloride and other trace elements important balance with its absorption process is much higher (Rao, R. Jagadiswara Am J. Clin. Nutr 1971, Nature Hadjimarkos 1962). Like refined sugar refined salt even when consumed in large quantities can be addictive. It 'so important, reduce the amount with awareness. This does not mean che non possiate trovare altre alternative. Oltre ad un limitato consumo di sale marino integrale, un’ altra alternativa è rappresentata dall’uso del gomasio. Il gomasio è ottenuto con semi di sesamo tostato, con aggiunta minima di sale marino integrale, a volte lo si trova anche arricchito di alghe. E’ ottimo per condire insalate ed insaporire zuppe e stufati, ricco naturalmente di calcio, ferro, vitamina A e B, aiuta la digestione e rafforza l’organismo a prevenire le malattie. Lo trovate principalmente nei negozi biologici. Per concludere sui benefici del sale marino ed in particolare quelli del Mar Morto, un bagno in acqua calda di una ventina di minuti con almeno mezzo chilo di sale aiuta a depurare la vostra pelle e la vostra "Mind" from accumulated toxins and restores shine and you rest.

Bottaccioli Francesco and Anna Carosella "immunity, and brain food" - Ed New Techniques
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