Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Distruggere Udine!

bags as garbage waved flags to welcome in Naples. And if that were not enough, even a grandparent and a grandchild assaulted in the parking lot Friuli stadium by local hooligans just because they wore the blue scarf. Only the intervention of a police car has avoided the worst!

The ultras who beat a child does not deserve to live: at the next opportunity UDINE VA DESTROYED AND ITS NATIVE Massacre. We will see what the Ultras Udinese will be able to do.

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End of proof. Much ado about nothing. And just as I had suspected from the beginning, my amendment on 'high speed / high capacity on the Naples-Bari-Taranto-Lecce was rejected tonight Budget Committee. As soon as they were touted only a few days ago, 100 billion for the South evidently erupted from the cylinder, I argued that if he really had not been a bluff him would see the day in today's Budget Committee. If there really had been the money the Commission has confirmed that, on paper including plans for the South And instead needless to say, (but this fact had no doubt) 's very important amendment which I submitted was rejected on high speed. I wonder how they can advertise these actions with great fanfare and then contradicting himself within a few hours. Does anyone think that maybe people will be able to beam with some nice promise. And the facts? Contradict the words in a few hours. Among other things always this evening in the Commission budget was rejected another amendment always presented to me, and always particularly relevant for South inherent in interventions 's airports Puglia Bari, Foggia, Brindisi and Foggia railway lines - Lecce, San Severo - Peschici and Foggia-Manfredonia. All this shows that the plan for the South was just a big hoax. Unfortunately. Yet another bluff on the southern

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Niente consigli. Vorrei sentirmi italiano (di Tomaso Staiti di Cuddia)

No suggestions. Always unnecessary and often harmful. Do not do it, are not suitable for climbing on a stool as Hyde Park shed words about everything and everyone. They are neither wise nor mad, only old. Fortunately
More Silvio Berlusconi, has always made me fear the Berlusconi and everything negative, devastating to the conscience, degrading to the national community, distort the truth of reality and truth, are also accompanied by the "ideology" Berlusconi. Ideology "DIY", which replaced those At dawn of the twentieth century quickly thrown into the dustbin of history by those who had professed, and would have the duty to defend what they contained positive. What remained of the nobility of politics reduced to permanent cabaret. I, however, waiting for the fall. Finally. Knowing full well that will not suffice.
Berlusconism likely to survive death (political) of the protagonist . Berlusconi has not invented anything. He collected, channeled, interpreted arcitaliano negative that is in us all. Always.
But the output stage is indispensable. Everything is fine with me: the result of political solutions that become cultural influences and intellectual indispensable and vital to the rebirth of a very difficult one that I still preclude call home. Beyond the fences, as well as the easy and lazy position guaranteed income to all for too many years. The caricature of bipolarity, the pre-emptive wars against the "enemy", the feltrismo become a cultural category, a parody of Mussolini and anti-free without Mussolini fascism.
the twentieth century and continue to resurrect him to topple him with all that junk from junk found in dusty trunks. That is why we must be nimble and light, curious and attentive, especially with an open mind and determined. No tips so, but since they are televised fashion, a list; very personal, essential and, at least for me, not negotiable. Here it is.
I want an Italy. Any but the whole. I
dignity for myself and for the community.
I would like a role for Italy, linked to its history, its culture, its tradition and not to harlequinades of its leaders.
I want a Prime Minister who said Italians: "We are in grave difficulties," we must make sacrifices, we start from the rich, by businessmen and speculators, then all the others. I would like to see the workers to the Board of Directors of Fiat. I wish
corrupt, corrupt, tax evaders, in collusion with the mafia were forced to walk around with big ears Donkey paper, as it was once a school.
I do not want an ethical state, but a state full of ethics. I would like a state. I lived as a sexual freedom and not performed as fashion.
I would like viewers of Big Brother was set to read the Divine Comedy, or at least of Pinocchio. I do not want a shared memory, but many memories are included.
I would, later, no one came to tell us that most entrepreneurs are good at politics.
I want the truth, even if inconvenient, the strategy of tension.
I would also be proud of a church that is not luxurious esibisse pomposity.
I would like a public school. I wish we produce
to consume and not vice versa. I want an Italy
austere and conscious, not falsely rich, vulgar and miserable as this. I
politicians ignorant but respectful of good taste and culture.
I wish instead of left and right, someone tried to say "Sinestra. I would like one thousand
Rosy Bindi in policy and no "vajassa.
I would not hear the word gossip.
I left without public funding, without charismatic leaders, colonels, sergeants and corporals.
I feel Italian.

Thomas Staines of the closed Cuddie
(a letter to the Century of Italy published on 30.11.2010)

NB AND WE WOULD LIKE TO 1000 PEOPLE HOW TO THOMAS Staines Cuddie FOR still feel part of a sad reality as is ITALY TODAY.

Monday, November 29, 2010

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A Mario Monicelli.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

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ORECCHIETTE leek and swiss chard

Foto e ricetta di Alessandra Cenci

Ingredienti per due persone: 200 grammi orecchiette, 400 grammi bieta, 1 porro intero, uno spicchio d’aglio, olio d’oliva extravergine, salvia, prezzemolo, peperoncino, paprika dolce, un pizzico di sale marino integrale
Tagliare finemente i porri insieme alla the green and keep them immersed in an hour so as to deposit any remaining soil. Gently fry a clove of minced garlic with parsley and sage and pepper, add the drained leeks and cook for a few minutes to focus more alive and then add two inches of water to prevent them from burning. Boil the orecchiette. After about ten minutes add the leeks, Swiss chard leaves, washed and cut into small pieces and add two inches of water to prevent them from burning. After twenty minutes the vegetables are ready. At that point when the drained pasta to pass it in five minutes kwok with vegetables. When cooked, add the paprika powder.
Properties leeks ( Allium Ampeloplasum Hocmese )
I porri appartengono alla famiglia delle Liliacee come l’aglio e la cipolla. Anche se l’orine è incerta, in quanto non è mai stato identificato il suo ceppo selvatico, il porro potrebbe provenire dall’ area celtica secondo alcuni, o secondo altri dal medio Oriente. Erano coltivati fin dall’antichità già dagli antichi egizi e poi dai romani sia per uso alimentare che come erbe medicinali. Le loro proprietà diuretiche e galattogene (stimolazione del latte nelle nutrici) erano note fin dai tempi di Ippocrate. I porri sono efficaci contro l’ipertensione in quanto ricchi di potassio, hanno un’azione antispastica e carminativa (impedisce l’accumulo di gas nell’intestino a causa del loro alto contenuto di zolfo) per l’apparato digerente, sono indicati nei casi di stipsi e di obesità ed abbassano il colesterolo, rafforzano il sistema immunitario ed aiutano a prevenire il cancro. I porri sono ricchi di ferro, indispensabile per la produzione dei globuli rossi; sono ricchi di magnesio, importante anche per il sistema nervoso e di silicio fondamentale per il tessuto osseo, sono quindi indicati anche nei casi di anemia ed artrite. Le foglie verdi sono ricche di vitamine A, C, e vitamine del gruppo B. Affinché abbiano tutte queste proprietà vi raccomando di prenderli da agricoltura biologica e di farli cuocere a fuoco lento con una retina spargi fiamma non oltre i 20-30 minuti e con pochissima water.
Properties chard (Beta vulgaris )
Its name derives from the Celtic and means red. Belongs to the family of Chenopodioideae like spinach. The beet greens are rich in fiber and minerals, contains magnesium, iron and potassium, and calcium, but contains a high amount of oxalic acid (element similar to calcium) that interferes with the absorption of calcium, and a fair amount of sodium and for this reason it is not recommended for consumption on those who suffer from kidney stones, gall bladder or suffer from hypertension. The leaves are rich in vitamins A and C. Due to its fiber content has laxative properties and is diuretic. And 'anti-anemic and is suitable in diete in quanto ha un basso tenore di calorie.
Da: http://www.taccuinistorici.it/ita/news/antica/daromi---orto---frutti/PORRI-cibo-e-farmaco.html

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oxford Wörterbuch Reg


Foto di Alessandra Cenci – Mar Morto (Israele)

La vita nasce dalle profondità saline oceans, bacteria and blue-green algae were the first living things. L 'importance of salt feeding was well known, as is often the ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a bargaining chip, hence the origin of the word salary. Salt is important for the transmission of nerve impulses to the saline water balance of the blood and all body fluids, yet many today are all too familiar problems associated with excessive use of salt as hypertension, fluid retention, edema, until some forms of stomach cancer. Unfortunately, most of the salt is on the market today is no longer the one obtained by simple evaporation of seawater, but it has per l’98% da cloruro di sodio, inoltre è stato sottoposto ad un processo industriale di raffinazione privandolo degli altri oligoelementi essenziali considerati a torto impurità e sbiancato artificialmente. Il sale marino integrale, ossia quello ottenuto per semplice evaporazione dall’acqua di mare, contiene una concentrazione ridotta di Sodio, ed una maggiore concentrazione di Potassio e Magnesio, Calcio, Iodio e Fluoro, ma anche tracce di ferro, zinco, rame ed altri. La composizione dell’acqua di mare e quindi del suo sale è molto complessa e varia a seconda delle aree geografiche, della geologia del suolo, dalle caratteristiche delle specie animali e vegetali appartenenti a quel dato ecosistema e via via. Eppure una ricerca J. of Geleijme British Journal on 1994 showed that in hypertensives the use of sea salt has reduced the beneficial effect of blood pressure with potassium and magnesium and calcium. Blood pressure is in fact regulated by the balance of calcium, magnesium and potassium in relation to sodium. E 'was also found a correlation between magnesium deficiency and risk of heart attack. Obviously this salt should be used very sparingly, and should limit consumption of foods with added salt on the market. Another problem concerns the refining iodine. Because as I wrote above, since the refinery is lost most of the other trace elements, it was thought to enrich refined salt with iodine. Iodized salt is a chemical supplement is not natural. The Dr. Noel R. Rose and L. Rasooly, immunologists at Johns Hopkins University (USA) showed that "while a small amount of iodine, such as that present in seawater, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid, an excess of iodine can lead to autoimmune thyroiditis in individuals who have a genetic susceptible. Moreover, Dr. Bottaccioli writes in his book "Immunity and brain health" was known for some time that in people with disorders of arrhythmia, amioradone treated with an anti-arrhythmic drug that contains iodine, occurred a higher presence of autoantibodies against thyroglobulin, the substance from which the thyroid gland synthesizes its own hormones. Finally, some experimental studies have also shown that the fluoride content in natural sea salt is able to prevent tooth decay, and thanks to the presence of sodium chloride and other trace elements important balance with its absorption process is much higher (Rao, R. Jagadiswara Am J. Clin. Nutr 1971, Nature Hadjimarkos 1962). Like refined sugar refined salt even when consumed in large quantities can be addictive. It 'so important, reduce the amount with awareness. This does not mean che non possiate trovare altre alternative. Oltre ad un limitato consumo di sale marino integrale, un’ altra alternativa è rappresentata dall’uso del gomasio. Il gomasio è ottenuto con semi di sesamo tostato, con aggiunta minima di sale marino integrale, a volte lo si trova anche arricchito di alghe. E’ ottimo per condire insalate ed insaporire zuppe e stufati, ricco naturalmente di calcio, ferro, vitamina A e B, aiuta la digestione e rafforza l’organismo a prevenire le malattie. Lo trovate principalmente nei negozi biologici. Per concludere sui benefici del sale marino ed in particolare quelli del Mar Morto, un bagno in acqua calda di una ventina di minuti con almeno mezzo chilo di sale aiuta a depurare la vostra pelle e la vostra "Mind" from accumulated toxins and restores shine and you rest.

From: http://www.sale-salute-benessere.it/it/articolo_1_1_68_sale/il-sale-integrale.html
Bottaccioli Francesco and Anna Carosella "immunity, and brain food" - Ed New Techniques
http : / / freenfo.blogspot.com/2007/11/sale-marino-integrale.html

Friday, November 12, 2010

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recipe and photo of Alessandra Cenci

Ingredients for two people: one or two cloves
garlic, olive oil, red pepper, 4 ounces fresh porcini mushrooms, chestnuts 6 each, 3-to-head nuts, parsley, soy cream, maltagliati Spelt (recommended 70-80 grams per person) being particularly rich in this dish.

Cut the chestnuts with a cross cut in the pericarp or peel in order to open them, cut them in two or three pieces each, also to ensure that there is no mold or larvae inside. Boil water in a little quarter of an hour to soften them, after they have softened more easily be freed of the thin layer of film that surrounds them. Wash mushrooms, remove the last part of the stalk, cut into strips lengthwise and cook them separately, putting them in a casserole or a kwok where did you gently fry the garlic with olive oil and crushed red pepper. If the mushrooms are fresh cominceranno a perdere acqua. Nel frattempo aprire le noci, e sminuzzare i gherigli riducendoli poi in polvere fine con un pestello. Quando l’acqua sarà evaporata dal kwok, aggiungere le noci polverizzate e le castagne che avrete battuto con il pestello che saranno diventate farinose, a questo punto dopo aver fatto amalgamare insieme funghi, noci e castagne con l’aggiunta di pochissima acqua per non farle bruciare per circa cinque minuti, potrete aggiungere la panna di soia. Chi preferisce può utilizzare anche la panna normale, ma la panna di soia è in genere più leggera e più digeribile e non contiene grassi saturi e colesterolo ed adatta a chi è intollerante al lattosio. Dopo pochi minuti il sugo è pronto e lo potete spegnere. Apart from the bake maltagliati spelled, you can find them in all health food stores. When he was two minutes at the end of their cooking and drain ripassateli the pan for two minutes with the sauce that you prepared and bring to the table.
Properties of European chestnut (Castanea sativa )
Chestnut is certainly a genuine because the fruit of the chestnut cultivation does not require the use of pesticides. Although the plant appears to originate in the Black Sea or the Caucasus, probably imported from the Greeks and Romans is well adapted to our climate. The fruit is rich in sugars, particularly sucrose, which is present in greater quantities than wheat, nuts and potatoes, then follow the other sugars fructose and maltose. Chestnuts contain high quality proteins, the presence of vitamins C, B1, B2, PP and a few grassi.Essendo too rich in sugar, and calorie in general, the chestnuts are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes, while just food for sportsmen, are recommended in cases of fatigue, for those subject to stress, and also are a valuable alternative food for both children and adults who are lactose intolerant. They are rich in fibers that stimulate peristalsis, and the growth of probiotic bacteria in the intestines to help prevent inflammation of the intestine and are excellent for reducing colesteroloemia.
properties of walnuts (Juglans Regia )
They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that help lower cholesterol, are also rich in folic acid, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin B6 as well as various trace elements like magnesium, copper, zinc , selenium, phosphorus and potassium. They are rich in protein and fiber. Finally contain melatonin, a powerful antioxidant properties that are attributed to brain health benefits.
Properties of porcini mushrooms (Boletus edulis )
Their habitat consists mainly of conifers and deciduous trees. The ancient Chinese and Japanese used them as drugs to increase the body's defenses. They are rich in potassium, essential amino acids and vitamin B. They have a low in calories and fat, in fact, some use them in the diets.

From: http://www.fontanarossa.net/castagne/24-castagne.html
http://benessere.atuttonet.it/consigli/castagne-calorie-e-proprieta.php # ixzz157415EpH
http : / / www.madiventura.it / pages / frutta_secca / benefits / benefici_salute.htm
http://www.cosar.info / food / ... / what-are-the-mushroom-porcini.html

Sunday, November 7, 2010

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Photo Raspberry (Rubus idaeus ) transgenico- Foto di Alessandra Cenci
Per organismi geneticamente modificati (OGM) si intendono quei microrganismi che sono stati manipolati geneticamente tramite l’introduzione di un gene esogeno, ossia di un gene derivante da un’altra specie. Il gene è quella porzione del DNA che codifica per una proteina. Sono stati così manipolati in particolare piante e batteri con geni derivate da specie completamente differenti, abbattendo importanti barriere di specie, che sono il risultato di millenni di evoluzione. Per fare solo alcuni esempi si sono create fragole transgeniche con il gene di una proteina anticongelante di alcuni pesci dell’antartide per renderle più resistenti al freddo, il mais transgenico (Mais Bt) contenente la protossina insetticida del batterio Bacillus thuringiensis , per renderlo resistente agli insetti dannosi, e la patata transgenica con il gene del bucaneve responsabile della sintesi di una lectina, cioè una particolare proteina in grado di legarsi a molecole di zuccheri, per rendere le piante resistenti all’attacco di possibili patogeni. La lista di questi esempi è molto lunga… Purtroppo non solo nessun OGM ha dato gli esiti sperati, ma ha creato dei problemi completamente inattesi. Il motivo è che il DNA esogeno si inserisce a caso nel genoma dell’ospite creando una serie di problemi inimmaginabili. Il primo a lanciare l’allarme è stato un matematico Jean-Claude Perez, che ha scoperto che l’archittettura genes within a cell is not random, but follows a mathematical order in accordance with the Fibonacci series. The order of the Fibonacci (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 ...) shows that the ratio of integers, starting with 1 and 1, is such that each new number is the sum of the previous two. A serious case was that of the transgenic potato became "inexplicably" toxic, because, as demonstrated by the researcher A. Pusztai in the prestigious journal The Lancet, the mice that ate the transgenic potatoes were dying compared to control mice fed on potatoes genetically manipulated. One interpretation is that the potato (Solanum tuberosum ) belonging to the Solanaceae family, such as tomatoes and eggplant, is a poisonous plant with the exception of the potato tuber, and fruit for tomato and eggplant where the solanine is not expressed, but also once a genetically manipulated ' gene expression of solanine was amended resulting in unexpected results. Similarly, transgenic strawberries produced ethylene glycol, antifreeze for radiators, and have become toxic, while the Bt maize plants in a short time helped to select pests resistant to Bt toxin is because there a protoxin that is effective against a wide range of insects, then the result is an amplification the initial problem. In addition to increasing the gene expression "exogenous" in GMOs, it is constructed in the laboratory under control of a strong promoter (the promoter is the part of DNA that initiates the transcription of structural genes), which is that of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), which can in turn activate genes that should be silent in that cell with the risk of mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, activation of dormant viruses, and recombination of new viruses as shown by studies of Mae Wan Ho and colleagues, published in Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease (No. 10/1998), and in Nature and Nature Biotechnology. Foods derived from GMOs, can also hide other hazards to humans, come l’insorgere di nuove allergie, (come è accaduto nel caso della soia, nella quale è stato inserito un gene proveniente dalla noce del Brasile, o, più recentemente, con il mais StarLink, destinato all'alimentazione animale ed entrato, negli USA, anche in prodotti consumati dall'uomo) o intossicazioni, che magari non vediamo immediatamente, ma che possono produrre effetti a distanza di tempo, indebolendo il sistema immunitario e sregolando il sistema endocrino. Infine un altro rischio, è che poiché per identificare i geni esogeni negli OGM si inserisce come marcatore un fattore di resistenza agli antibiotici; questo marcatore, una volta arrivato nell'apparato digerente attraverso un alimento che lo contiene, potrebbe trasferire tale resistenza ai batteri probiotici che normalmente convivono con l'uomo e questi a loro volta potrebbero trasferire questa resistenza a batteri patogeni; a quel punto quel fattore di resistenza renderebbe nullo l'utilizzo dell'antibiotico specifico. Con questo articolo non intendo demonizzare le biotecnologie in generale, io stessa, sono biologa molecolare specializzata in biotecnologie e lavoro da tanti anni nel campo della ricerca scientifica. Tra gli usi positivi delle moderne biotecnologie vi è ad esempio la produzione di insulina a larga scala che una volta purificata può essere impiegata nella cura dei diabetici, e tutta la ricerca in generale. L’importante è renderci conto che come tutti gli esseri viventi siamo sistemi altamente complessi, and desirable for human welfare and the environment are always the primary objective. Main

I recommend:
From: The intersection between biotechnology and genetic Health Research and market Gianni Tamino
preface: Ernesto Landi http://www.edizioniambiente.it/eda/catalogo/risorse/4/
Gianni Tamino and Fabrizia Pratesi "Thieves of genes." www.editoririuniti.it
Jeremy Rifkin "The Biotech Century" Trade gene and the beginning of a new era. Baldini & Castaldi.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Il vero ingegnere...

Non ha vita sociale - e può dimostrarlo matematicamente.
Adora il dolore (specie su se stesso).
Conosce perfettamente il calcolo vettoriale, ma non si ricorda come fare una divisione a mano.
Ridacchia ogni volta che sente parlare di 'forza centrifuga'.
Conosce ogni singola funzione their own graphing calculator.
When you look in the mirror, he sees a degree in Engineering.
If outside is beautiful and there are 30 degrees, is at home working on the computer.
whistle frequently the tune of Mac Gyver.
also studied for the exams on Friday evening.
Sa stem the flow of water in the bathtub and integrate the required volume from the ingredients of the chicken.
Think "mathematically".
He calculated that the Serie A championship diverges for A sufficiently large.
If you can not try to fix too items, for fear of interfering with their wave functions.
has a cat as a scientist.
Ride at jokes about mathematicians.
is sought by the Animal Control because she tried the experiment of Schrödinger cat on your own.
directly translates Italian in binary format.
I just can not remember what's behind the door of the Computing Center marked "EXIT".
is Coke-dependent.
Try to move as little as possible in order not to contribute to the entropic death of the Universe.
unscientific to consider any other course too easy.
When the professor asks the delivery of the project, claims to be able to calculate the vibrational time so accurately, that according to Heisenberg's principle, it could be anywhere in the universe.
Assume as a working hypothesis that a "horse" approach to a "ball" to simplify the math.
Ride at least five points on this list.
makes a print of this file, and if the attacks at home.