Monday, December 27, 2010

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Fratelli d'Itaglia, l'Italia è un cesso con l'elmo di Scipio ti rompo la testa.

Aumm Aumm

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Stralciato dal Milleproroghe il piano straordinario per Pompei annunciato dal ministro Bondi

extraordinary plan to Pompeii Minister Bondi has been excluded from the decree Milleproroghe. It is learned at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. The reason lies in the character "too regulated directions" of the measure. The ministry said he hoped the plan can be quickly converted into a forum for discussion in the House and Senate.

The measure, announced in recent weeks from Bondi after the collapses that occurred in the archaeological site, included, inter alia, the return of an autonomous Superintendency of Pompeii with stronger powers for the protection of the site. In addition, a special plan to increase maintenance and technical personnel with immediate dispatch of a task force of archaeologists, architects and skilled workers to make all the necessary measures.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Baby Powdered Perfumes


Photo by Alessandra Cenci-Dilek Peninsula (Turkey)
The last ten years have been characterized by a severe economic crisis that is sweeping the world. Climate change, environmental pollution, the economic collapse ... it seems almost impossible now to hope for a better future. What kind of world we leave to our children and our grandchildren? Yet, as Einstein said, the father of relativity 'E' problems can be overcome only by changing the thoughts and attitudes that created them. " Roy Martina writes in his latest book "The formula for life:" The mentality of capitalism has to change, we need to achieve sustainable growth and green .... " Although it may seem strange to a study by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) (en) shows that the same acres, the emissions of greenhouse gases with organic farms are less than 35-37% compared to conventional animal manure crops seconds. This is because organic farming returns on average 12-15% more carbon dioxide than other fertilizers in the soil due to higher fertility and humus content which provides the ground. Biodiversity is threatened by habitat destruction, particularly due to pollution, urbanization and deforestation and drainage of wetlands ... new viruses and parasites found themselves suddenly to jumps of species and have become more aggressive. Genetic uniformity of crops selected solely on the basis of increased productivity of crops and GMOs (genetically modified) may create a greater vulnerability to diseases in agriculture and animal husbandry. In 1840, late blight destroyed the Irish potato crops causing the death of over one million people. Environmental damage and accidents are becoming more common. The imbalances are so numerous that it seems impossible to find a way out. Anger and despair are growing. There are people who spend their lives on the Internet to speak ill of all, even some scientists, psychologists and economists are convinced that the man is to aggressive nature and utilitarian. "Homo homini lupus" wrote the English philosopher Hobbes, but as Jeremy Rifkin writes in his latest book "The Civilization of empathy" in recent decades, some startling discoveries in biology and neuroscience have changed this belief by showing that men and women are able from an early age to relate to others in empathy, ie the ability to perceive the feelings of others, and especially the suffering as if they were their own. The discovery of mirror neurons in the research group Rizzoli and his co-workers in 1996 was due to a real earthquake in the academic world and has forced biologists, psicologi, filosofi a rimettere in discussione la dicotomia cartesiana mente-corpo, che isolava la ragione dai sentimenti e dalle emozioni. In pratica i ricercatori scoprirono tramite la risonanza magnetica nucleare (NMR) che i neuroni della corteccia frontale del cervello di un macaco si attivavano sia prima che l’animale afferrasse una nocciolina sia se l’animale vedeva il ricercatore allungare il braccio verso la nocciolina senza aver mosso alcun muscolo. La scoperta dei neuroni a specchio apre la porta a quei meccanismi biologici che rendono possibile la socialità. Essere sociali quindi è nella nostra natura. La vita degli individui è resa possibile grazie alle interazioni con gli altri. La vita stessa dei primi individui pluricellulari è stata resa possibile dall’assemblarsi di colonie pluricellulari che man mano sono divenute sempre più complesse attraverso la specializzazione, proprio come nelle comunità umane preistoriche, la presenza di soli cacciatori non garantiva la sopravvivenza e grazie all’introduzione delle coltivazioni nacquero le prime popolazioni. Ora direte voi per sopravvivere e prosperare dobbiamo scegliere tra uno stato statico ed uno dinamico, erbe mediche e tecnologia? Una cosa non esclude l’altra… Esiste un sapere millenario sull’uso delle piante medicinali che ha fondato le sue tradizioni nella filosofia ayurvedica e cinese, mentre la nostra tradizione biomedica è di tipo positivistico, in una persona viene presa in esame solo la sua patologia, Yet if we consider the progress of science, medicine has done wonders. In order to integrate both the individual must leave and allow her needs are met. The same is true for energy, one part should be increased study and application of alternative energy sources, other sources of oil are still required to produce the raw materials. You could reduce the consumption of meat, as from a FAO study showed that livestock produces 18% of emissions of greenhouse gases, most of the transport sector. Climate change, water scarcity and food oil can create new political tensions and conflicts. Yet, as Jeremy Rifkin wrote a " large number of studies around the world clearly shows that the more the values \u200b\u200bat the center of our lives are oriented to materialism, the more decrease the quality of our lives, and that once it reaches the threshold of being, an additional enrichment does not create more welfare, but instead triggers the selfishness and greed and people become less and less empathetic. " A positive change is possible, but requires sustained efforts by all. Fortunately, in history there have been exemplary human beings who have lived according to human values \u200b\u200bof compassion, generosity and philanthropy. Gordon watched "Love makes the brain grow, so we still have a chance and we must exploit it fully, especially for future generations. Ironically, climate change is forcing us to acknowledge our shared humanity and our common suffering. We still have time to draw our positive future, a story of universal love, the only way to ensure our future.

From: Roy Martina "The formula for life" Ed Sperling and Kupfer

Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman "spontaneous evolution" Ed Macro

Jeremy Rifkin "The civilization of empathy" Ed Mondadori

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E Fini fa tombola tra i trombati.

Speaker of the House, Gianfranco Fini, leader of the Future and Freedom, comes in the arms of his companion, Elizabeth Tulliani, in evening dress, and with parliamentarians Consolo and Joseph Urso. To act as hosts to Rosolino, MEP Rivellini Enzo and his partner, Bianca D'Angelo, Regional Councillor, but still registered in the PDL group: are invited to have their 350 supporters on the promenade for a self-financed dinner from 350 € per person and final tombola.

However, half the diners arrive intended. "Naples and Italy deserve something better than the image offered by Berlusconi and Bossi - Fini begins -. If there is an area of \u200b\u200bItaly that more than others should feel betrayed, that's the South. Are Naples and Campania. From the values \u200b\u200btrampled: those of honesty, law, labor law equal for everyone. The South deserves be respected, as I believe that Italy is saved as a whole. Otherwise, it sinks. " Fini wink to the young people protesting against the reform Gelmini: "If young people take to the streets to protest the policy does not turn around, do not insult them, but try to understand them and, if possible, to educate them with the facts. The political forces should ask why no one can affect the younger generation ".

In the dining room table in a more in the background, the former coach one hundred thousand, Alfredo Vito, nods, pleased. Further away, the former Senator Tommaso Barbato , past the headlines for spitting addressed to my colleague 'a traitor' by the then Udeur, Nuccio Cusumano : "As a young man - he admits Barbato - I was in front of youth. It is a homecoming. " One can see the former deputy MSI, Antonio Mazzone with his son Alessandro, the Councilor John Belle ("I brought in a pastor Fini craft that Dad wanted to give him before he died), the former city councilors UDC Roberto De Federico Masi and Alvino, quest'uiltimo son of Vice-President of the Province of Naples, Gennaro Ferrara, the lawyer Lucio Varriale, former Regional Adviser Benedict Lombardi. And Rivellini gloats: "We have collected twenty thousand accessions and we have not yet a party. Since I got the shirt of Napoli President Fini, our team does not lose anymore. "

NB FEDERICO Alvin, former adviser to the municipality of Naples for the UDC, is both Dean of the Faculty of Law Parthenope Gennaro Ferrara where his son was rector for 20 years. The University Parthenope is known to be a repository for students on the hunt for a piece of paper really easy and when Gennaro Ferrara has placed relatives and friends in abundance.

Friday, December 17, 2010

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I rivoluzionari e mammà.

After the serious incidents in Rome caused by the usual mob of communists and collective false thirtysomething students, only sixteen year old son of a former terrorist was recipient of a precautionary measure.

At this son of mom and dad, so attached to the school by making himself fail 2 times in the first high school, the images have immortalized steals while in handcuffs and a truncheon financier and also tries to take his gun.

Since, however, the minor has the privileged treatment of the jurisdiction of the juvenile court that will lead to the outcome of the proceedings a little more than a reprimand.

Currently however there are only him to house arrest without even the prohibition of using the playstation: Mamma lawyer argues that it is a good guy and certainly should not be punished.
For the other defendants, Instead, a precautionary measure even less aflittiva: The magistrate did not consider subsisting conditions for their applicability.
However, we are sure, if the thugs were Forza Nuova, the GIP was also ordered torture.

You know, not all the workers have a bank account.

NB SAVIANO IN A LETTER HAS sympathize with this riff raff: we already wrote that he, after all, E 'IN FAVOUR of the Camorra. It will also be a racket with a different name, but is always Camorra.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Quando il sociale diventa commerciale e fare il rivoluzionario paga niente male.

You see this stupid? Well, since the machine owner has reproached destroyed "at least you you've got a car," if you the identificaste, destroy the house where he lives with all their goods and then tell her: You Are A HOME Do you have it.
now we are the paradox in which the right is totally subverted. The police know very well who are the criminals, who yesterday smashed Roma - I know why even the writer knows - and yet neither the police nor the judiciary have done nothing. Who protects them?

Monday, December 13, 2010

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Photo and recipe Alessandra Cenci - Recipe for celiac

Serves 2: 400g of peppers, 100 grams of peeled miles (must be written in the box), 2 cloves of garlic, shallot, extra-virgin olive oil, anchovies, capers, dried tomatoes, bay leaves, thyme, marjoram, parsley, mint, paprika, sea salt.

Cook with twice the miles of water for twenty minutes. Millet does not need prior soaking. Apart fry gently in a pan or a kwok, a shallot and parsley and add the chili peppers cut in half lengthwise. Add two inches of water and cook for 10 'to soften. Apart from preparing a chopped garlic with the spices mentioned above. Prepare a baking sheet in a bed of bay leaves, a little 'oil and put the peppers that have been boiled and cut in two. Once the millet is cooked slightly season with salt and add the minced garlic with the spices, capers that have been at least half an hour to soak in water to remove excess salt, dried tomatoes, peppers and fill with millet and spices. Pour two inches of water with which they are made a little boil 'peppers with scallions and bake for 15' to 150 ° C. Serve.

Properties miles (Panicum miliaceum , L.) Maybe the 'use of miles in this recipe can make you smile, thinking that it is the preferred food of budgerigars, but in reality, the mile is a very ancient grain, native to Central and Eastern Europe , also cultivated by the ancient Egyptians. It is currently grown in Asia and Africa. Unlike wheat, millet does not contain gluten, so it can be used for the feeding of celiac disease, but attention must be written in the box that is peeled, because its seed coat contains gluten, but these are not his only quality . Despite the misleading appearance of her tiny gold seeds, the miles has the richness and completeness of other cereals, because its proteins are easily digested and assimilated than those of wheat, and between lipids also contain a high percentage of unsaturated fat. Millet is also rich in micronutrients such as iron and phosphorus and energizing for these properties is particularly suited to food of children, pregnant women, and persons who carry out intellectual work. The mile is therefore also useful in cases of fatigue stress, physical and psychological depression because it is rich in magnesium, anemia because it contains iron, and is also a diuretic. For its mineralizing and its content in silicon is also suitable for healthy hair, nails, skin and dental health as it also contains fluoride. It also contains plenty of vitamins A, B1, B3, E, and finally is the only cereal to have quality alkalizing. You can find it easily sold in health food stores.
Properties peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) belong to the Solanaceae family, and originate from South America (Brazil). The peppers contain "capsaicin, an alkaloid which gives the distinctive flavor to this spicy vegetable. The peppers are very rich in vitamin C than other vegetables and even in relation to citrus. Unfortunately, vitamin C, it degrades with heat, but the peppers can be eaten raw in salads. The peppers are also rich in vitamin D which together with C strengthens blood vessels and thus are excellent in preventing atherosclerosis. They are rich in carotene that have an anti-oxidant vitamins of group B. For their potassium content and lower blood pressure are diuretics, are rich in iron, iodine, fluorine and zinc and their high-fiber diet and diets are suitable for the proper functioning of the intestine. Being a little spicy is not recommended for people suffering from gastric hyperacidity or children.

http:// / ... / health-owned-and-pepper / sweet-pepper-and-atherosclerosis /

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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The blog will not be operational for an indefinite period, I advise you - however - to follow Maria, which always provides much food for thought intelligent.

Hasta pronto.

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La spazzatura portiamola ad Arcore.

Naples, black cloth of 5 km and enclosed spaces on the waterfront to protest the continued presence of waste in the street. Berlusconi - better known as ILCAZZARDO - continues to set the terms for us normal, but - since it is an incompetent like Rosa Russo Iervolino and TOTONNO BASSOLINO - without success.

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Pizze in faccia ai Leghisti.

Neapolitan pizza chefs I met this morning by Sorbillo and made up a spontaneous street protests of the Courts with a pizza wrapped in mourning and placards against the league and the EU to protest against the request to remove the brand of pizza Stg.

"10-year battle to get the brand Stg (specialty Traditional guaranteed) - said the president of Sergio Miccù 'Association Neapolitan pizza - and a few months to levarcelo. I am disgusted, since the league manages the Ministry of 'Agriculture Neapolitan pizza makers have been brought to their knees. 'S former Minister Zaia was not even a recognition festegiare EU, preferred the McDonald's sandwich Mc Italy. At the Ministry we are doing for months in the run for several offices not finish anything. Now the jar is full we will not be more quiet. "

"We are preparing to march on Rome of the pizza out of the Ministry. From Friday, the Neapolitan pizza will put drapes in mourning in protest against the government and the EU even though we know that questo colpo basso è anche opera dei leghisti. Non ci aiutano a levare la monnezza dalla strada ma la pizza napoletana invece ce la vogliono scippare».
«Ho pianto tre volte nella mia vita - spiega il pizzaiolo Gino Sorbillo - quando sono nati i miei figli, quando abbiamo avuto il marchio Stg e quando da ieri stanno tentando di levarcelo. Sappiano una cosa i signori della Ue e della lega questa volta non gli permetteremo di fare ancora del male a Napoli

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Create A Tna Wrestling Belt

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Square Dolder Fuse Box


Photo by Alessandra Cenci-walnut kernel
Since ancient times it was known that there is a correlation between the quality of food and health. The famous doctor Hippocrates of Kos wrote in the fourth century BC, 'Do that food be your medicine, and science in ancient Ayurvedic food is "absolute," yet still in medical school is not prevista la scienza dell’alimentazione tra gli esami obbligatori. Ci è stato insegnato che il nostro destino è connesso al corredo cromosomico (DNA) che abbiamo ereditato dai nostri antenati, per cui se in una famiglia vi sono stati dei malati di cancro, il nostro destino sarà inevitabilmente segnato. Fortunatamente il progetto genoma (HPG) ha cominciato a scalfire queste vecchie credenze della scienza tradizionale, anche se ironicamente era stato avviato per dimostrare l’opposto. Negli anni 50 alcuni ricercatori americani fecero delle ricerche sulla dieta mediterranea per capire il motivo per cui le popolazioni mediterranee soffrivano di meno rispetto agli americani di disturbi circolatori, infarti e tumori. Dallo studio emerse che nella dieta mediterranea erano presenti molta frutta e verdura e legumi, che hanno un forte ruolo antiossidante, per cui nonostante anche i mediterranei facessero un ampio consumo di grassi, si riducevano notevolmente i rischi di tali malattie. Ho avuto la fortuna di partecipare ad un convegno, dove ho sentito parlare la Dott.ssa Anna Villarini, biologa e specialista in scienza dell’Alimentazione, che lavora come ricercatrice presso il Dipartimento di Medicina preventiva e predittiva all’Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano. Dai suoi studi sul progetto DIANA è emerso che, riequilibrando la dieta è possibile anche modificare l’ambiente all’interno dell’organismo, riducendo il peso dei fattori che favoriscono lo sviluppo dei tumori della mammella e che ne ostacolano la guarigione. Una alimentazione basata su un ridotto consumo di zuccheri e di grassi saturi, l’utilizzo di grassi polinsaturi, oltre al consumo di cereali non raffinati, legumi e verdure sono la ricetta per modificare l’ambiente interno in modo da ostacolare lo sviluppo delle cellule tumorali. Il dott. Berrino, coordinatore del progetto DIANA sostiene che alti livelli nel sangue di insulina, ormoni sessuali e del fattore di crescita IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor) sono associati a maggiori probabilità di sviluppare un cancro mammario. Il dott. Bottaccioli nel suo libro “Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia” scrive che l’informazione contenuta nel DNA può modificarsi a seconda dei segnali che giungono the cell nucleus even by some nutrients. Recent studies have shown that despite having the immune cells need glucose because of their ongoing activities for the maintenance of the body, excess glucose causes an inflammation through mechanisms of indirect activation of genes that produce inflammatory cytokines. The same is true for an excess of protein. Among the amino acids are the building blocks with which proteins are made, two are especially designed arginine and glutamine as being essential for the activity of immune cells, lymphocytes and macrophages. Of great importance to modulate the immune system are also fat. Tutti i grassi hanno un ruolo strutturale nella membrana cellulare, ma i polinsaturi hanno un’azione immunomodulante sul sistema immunitario. Infatti a seconda del tipo di grassi presenti nella dieta e di conseguenza tra quelli che compongono le membrane cellulari, le cellule saranno in grado di formare alcuni mediatori, che sono sostanze che mettono in comunicazione le cellule tra loro. Tra queste ci sono le prostaglandine. Se la membrana cellulare è composta in prevalenza da omega 6, verranno formate prevalentemente prostaglandine infiammatorie (della serie 2), mentre se la membrana è formata in buona parte da omega 3, si produrranno prostaglandine antinfiammatorie (della serie 3). Gli omega 6 sono tipici delle carni rosse, bianche, formaggi, uova while the omega 3 found in cold-pressed vegetable oils, fish and oil seeds (walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds) in green leafy vegetables, legumes. The omega-3 increase expression of enzymes involved in the removal of fat from storage, so that immune cells have more energy. In the last century with the use of high temperatures for oil production and higher consumption of meat, there was an abrupt change in the ratio omega 3 omega 6 passing on the traditional 1:2 to 1:20. This imbalance has led to an increase in chronic and degenerative diseases and allergic diseases. Beware of margarine fats that are modified industrially, much better a little butter, or when written on the label "vegetable and animal fats," which means it is fat waste. Finally, another factor that aggravates the imbalance of the immune system is the defects of all the vitamins, especially C and trace elements derived from the consumption of fruit and vegetables grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticide-treated. The good news, however, that the same chromosome the functioning of the immune system depends on "what I eat," then we can choose the health for ourselves and our children.

F. Bottaccioli e Anna Carosella “Immunità cibo e cervello”- Ed. Tecniche nuove
M. Trevisan “Liberi da allergie ed intolleranze” Ed. Terra Nuova
A.Villarini con G. Allegro: “Prevenire i tumori mangiando con gusto” Ed. Sperling & Kupfer

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Il ribelle nero

The professor is dead. Paul Signorelli, an ideologue of the Right antagonist, has come to suffer. For many years the disease that sapped her body. He finished be defamatory accusations. Of being persecuted. Yes, persecuted. Can be considered a blasphemy, but how to define actions which lasted for almost twenty years and sent him to jail repeatedly with defamatory accusations such as that of murder. Courts have repeatedly requested a life sentence but in the end was always acquitted. Emblematic of the ruling of the Supreme Court in 1992 he called his trial "illogical, inconsistent, unjustified." The only conviction was for subversive association and an armed gang. A charge that in the years that were widely Lead was saddled with all the extra-parliamentary representatives. Paul Signorelli was an ideologue of the Social Movement and later among the founders of the New Order. Fascist. Definition not offended him, even thought the simplistic and outdated. The output from MSI, the experience of the New Order until the last of Alternativa Sociale, define the path of an experience that would be a challenge to rival politico-cultural system and with the anti-American. His was a desire to renew and get out of those stereotypes is just where the Marxist revolution.

Traditionalist based his opposition and rebel the modern world as he had drawn Julius Evola which Signorelli said student. Bad teacher for opponents and judges who have accused him of being principal of murder and massacre. He spent ten years in prison for the massacre of Bologna where he was acquitted. He left on a stretcher Rebibbia. Among those walls filled a notebook of drawings, writings, poems, letters that became the book "Go, Man." Radical thinker, an icon for so many comrades, just a few months ago, in an interview he had severely cut off both the parliamentary and the extra-parliamentary right now. The first enslaved now all'omogenizzazione liberal-democratic and 'Wall Street'. The second dismissed as fantasma di quella che fu venduta ormai per «motivi di strapuntini» agli schieramenti elettorali rinnegando le idee. Ai nuovi extraparlamentari contestava l’anti islamismo e una difesa astratta del cattolicesimo.

La vera colpa, senza appello, di Paolo Signorelli: la coerenza oltre ogni limite di buon senso. Fino in fondo, così da negarsi qualsiasi spazio. Pensatore illiberale al di là della destra e della sinistra. Continuava a rilanciare la sua idea di «Popolo» in un quadro di autodeterminazione di un’Europa che geopoliticamente si estende da Lisbona a Vladivostok. Le sue idee sono state sottoposte a processo. Non ci sono solo teoremi giudiziari contro la Sinistra: Paolo Signorelli è finito in carcere because it was revolutionary in the sense of right and contrary to leftist political conformism. Ideas that can not be shared, can be challenged. But not imprisoned. The West and Italy tear their garments for the freedom and denied rights in Iran, Myanmar and many other countries but forget their victims. The professor "black" is dead.

Maurizio Piccirilli

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Many Truffles Are In A Pound

Il comunista Lucarelli

La Guardia di Finanza of Livorno has seized the public housing allocated to the mother of football players and Cristiano Lucarelli Alessandro, Franca Bussotti. Writes the newspaper Il Tirreno.

The measure, which was notified yesterday to Casalpiano (the company that manages public housing Livorno), is taken as part of an investigation that would also investigated Alessandro Lucarelli, who plays for Parma, and his father Mauro, president of a dock. The house in the center of the investigation is that of the popular district of Shanghai.

The measure prevents the court as the prosecution of offenses alleged (fraud and false ideology), and then use by the assignee, namely France. From now Casalpiano must preserve housing. The woman, according to the indictment, he would lose the requirements for maintaining the apartment is separated from her husband, but in fact according to the Finance would live with her husband in another house and has held a very low income, but would work the daughter in a beauty salon. Several

instead the allegations made against Alessandro Lucarelli: the player would use the address of the registered office of public housing as one of his real estate company.

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Mastella al teatro Augusteo.

large deployments of security forces to protect citizens from the candidate list in support of Mastella mayor of Naples.

Confused all'Udeur members: they did not know who steal.

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3) Congruence or translation
Center improper ∞ S, improper axis s ∞, corresponding points A and A '
S ω = ∞, s ∞, AA'
occurs when the line joining O and O 'is parallel to the LOCATION of the plans π e π’ o quando entrambi i centri sono impropri ed il piano _0 di prospettività è // a π = π’.
Conserva il parallelismo tra rette, lascia invariati gli angoli e la grandezza dei segmenti.
Congruenza o traslazione
 Congruenza o traslazione

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2) Omotetia
Centro proprio S , asse improprio s ∞, punti corrispondenti A e A’
ω = S, s ∞, AA’
Si verifica quando il piano π 0 of PERSPECTIVES / / = π to π '.
  • Lines corresponding parallel.
  • preserves the parallelism between straight and leaves unchanged the angles.
  • The parallel projection is an affinity.
If the points are on the same side of the center is called dilation direct .
If the points are located on the opposite side of the center is called dilation reverse.

Da sinistra: omotetia diretta, omotetia inversa, omotetia inversa simmetrica Omotetia
From left: dilation direct inverse dilation, dilation reverse symmetrical

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homology or similar affinity homological

Homology similar

homology or similar affinity homological

Center improper S ∞, s its axis, the corresponding points A and A '
S ω = ∞, s, AA'
occurs when the line joining O and O 'is parallel to the LOCATION of the planes π and π', or when both sites are unsuitable. The projection is parallel
affinity (isometric).

Schema di rappresentazione nello spazio dell’Omologia affine
diagram representation in the affine space homology
Omologia affine
affine homology

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special cases homology

properties of homology, which may be only theoretical, are of considerable importance in practice, being able to use all methods of representation and allowing you to perform all graphics operations in terms of design, without recourse to the spatial location of objects.
By varying the relative positions between the planes and centers of projection, there may be some special cases which do not alter the properties of projective.
can be distinguished:
  1. Homology or similarity homological affine : improper center, its axis.
  2. dilation : center right, improper axis.
  3. Congruence or translation: central misuse, improper axis.

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Homology II-L '

Homology II

The geometric relationship between the two images of the point A and A ', following two distinct projections from two different centers of projection C and C 'outside of the plan is said homology . Before
perspectivist: ω1 = C, u, AA °
Second perspectivist: ω2 = C ', u, A' A °
Homology = product perspectivist = ω1 = ω = X ω2 U, U, AA '
The overlay planes π and π' are in actually a ruse to clarify the concept of product of two perspectivist, but the concepts remain the same if, instead of two superimposed levels, if one takes into account only. In this case we can consider A and A 'as the corresponding points on the same level as calculated by the projection centers C and C'. You get that a correspondence between points in the same plane, by projecting them on a another level of two distinct centers of projection.
  • The intersection of the straight line joining the two centers of projection, with the plane π, find the point U said c by homology .
  • The straight line joining A and A 'U passes. Corresponding points are in fact aligned with the center of homology. The line u , intersection of the two plans is the 'axis of homology .

Property homology

  • Lines corresponding homology meet u axis (line of intersection between the planes π and π 0 - united line - locus of points combined);
  • corresponding points are aligned with the center of homology U (the intersection of the straight line joining the two centers of projection with the plane π). A
perspectivist that has the properties described above is called homology and because these properties are found only in the plane figures is also called homology level.
A homology is found when, in a plan, are assigned the center U homology, its axis and a pair of corresponding points (or a pair of corresponding lines).

Homology III

One of the cases we encounter frequently is two floors above the other (π = π '), the plan π 0 and two centers of projection C and C ∞' ∞ (improper willing indefinitely, at a right angle to the plane π = π 'and floor plans bisettore of the dihedral formed by the π and π 0 ). Projecting a point A plan π 0 0 center improper C ∞ plane π, we obtain the point A, then projecting the same point A 0 from the center C '∞ we get point A' yea then said that the points A and A 'are legati da una corrispondenza biunivoca di centro C∞ e C’∞.
L'asse dell'omologia è rappresentato dalla retta U, (intersezione fra i piani π e π 0 ) e il centro dell'omologia è rappresentato dall'intersezione della retta congiungente i due centri di proiezione con il piano π. Poiché i due centri di proiezione sono entrambi impropri, l’unione di essi definisce sul piano un punto improprio che si rappresenta nel punto U∞ la cui direzione è definita dall'intersezione del piano formato dai due centri C∞ e C’∞ con il piano π. Anche in questo caso la coppia di punti corrispondenti A e A' è allineata il centro dell'omologia U∞. Questa prospettività, caratterizzala dal centro improprio, prende il nome di affinità omologica .
  Da Docci M., Manuale di Disegno architettonico, Laterza Bari 2002

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III homology homology homology


spazio proiettivo due piani π e π' sovrapposti e coincidenti e un terzo piano π° non parallelo ad essi, fissati due centri di proiezione C e C' è possibile costruire una prospettività (corrispondenza biunivoca) tra i punti dei piani π e π'.
Proiettando, infatti, il punto A del piano π da C su π°, si ottiene il punto A°; tra il punto A e il punto A° intercorre una corrispondenza biunivoca di centro C ( prima prospettività di centro C asse u ).
then projecting the point of the plan π A ° ° from the center C 'on the plane π', you get the point A '(second perspectivist center C' axis u), so the fixed point A (in the center of perspectivist C and C ') is uniquely determined point A', in other words, we can say that among the points of the plane π = π 'one-one correspondence exists. The correspondence between the points of the plan π = π 'is called homology . Moving the point A along the line r, its corresponding A 'describes the line r'.
Da Docci M., Manuale di Disegno architettonico, Laterza Bari 2002

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flat flat flat perspectivist tipping

perspectivist of A special case of tipping

perspectivist occurs in the overturning of two floors. Data plans are π and π ': by rotating the plane π about the line of intersection of two planes (u), bring it up to overlap the plane π', one can observe that the rotation of a point A moves to the plane π point A 'of the plane π' and similarly the case for all other points of the plane π. Since each point of a plan corresponds exactly one point on the floor, you can talk about -one correspondence between the points of the two planes even in the case of rollover. The axis of
perspectivist will be the line of intersection of the two planes, while the perspectivist will be a center of improper bisettore direction orthogonal to the plane of the angle formed between the two plans.
Da Docci M., Manuale di Disegno architettonico, Laterza Bari 2002

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homology ECONOMICS

Homology Homology

The term, from the greek homoios ("similar, equal") and logos ("speech"), means "the same logic , the same speech. " Homology is the logical match between two things, so what happens in a case also in the other because of the same logic. Counterpart is therefore synonymous with similar, though not only mean a similarity but an identity.
In descriptive geometry 's homology is the product of two perspectivist space.
In other words, is the relationship of correspondence between points of two generic shapes Δ1 and Δ2, in the state in which such figures were obtained as projections on the same floor and two separate centers, the same figure Δ.
has collaborated in the drafting of this lesson the arch. A. Paolillo


Two plane figures are said to correspond when they are derived from each other by a projection operation.
two floors are given π and π 'is not parallel to each other and a center C projection out of them. At each step of the plan π C is projected from the center plane π 'one and only one point. A lag between the two plans-one correspondence without exception: in fact, staring at point A on the plane π, is obtained as its projection on the plane π 'Point A' and vice versa. Points A and A 'are related by a center perspectivist C. If you move point A along the line r, its corresponding A 'describes the plane π' the line r ', the two lines have a common intersection point between the two planes (D = D' point unit). All points on the line of intersection between the planes π and π 'have the same properties: this line is called straight points together or axis of perspectivist ; also the point at infinity ∞ P r of the line has finished as the corresponding point P 'on the line r'.
  • couples of corresponding points (A and A ') are aligned with the center C of perspectivist;
  • pairs of lines corresponding to (re r') meet on the axis of perspectivist (u straight, instead of united points and intersection plans π and π ').
Da Docci M., Manuale di Disegno architettonico, Laterza Bari 2002

Friday, December 3, 2010

What To Do To Hair After Shower With Wavy Hair

A Paolo Signorelli.

believed, to kill the poet
. They, the faceless.
They, the fantasy esseridalla dried.
the deformed body wrapped the gauze. Puri, because sterile.
Contannati ... always a sterility
ma il poeta vive:
le radici del genio affondano
in terra aspra.
dove il cemento non trova dimora.dove non può esservi spazio se non per il timo e l'olivo.
E come l'olivo non perde mai la fronda
così il poeta non perde mai la sua fantasia.
una fantasia che ha il sapore
-genuino-della Vita:
che non è resa
che non è sterilità,
che non è banalità.
Il sapore della Vita: che è gioia
che è ribellione
che è rifiuto dei falsi miti
che gli uomini senza volto
hanno inventato
per uccidere il poeta
Come può, dunque, il poeta morire?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Frequency For Free Indian Channels

Cristiano Lucarelli è indegno di indossare la maglia azzurra!

"In Italia non difettano certo demagogia e moralismo: visto quel che si e' detto dello sciopero dei calciatori, mi viene da pensare che a questo Paese' non manchino i professori di demagogia. Cosi' Cristiano Lucarelli, attaccante del Napoli e membro del direttivo Aic, dopo le polemiche per lo stop dei calciatori di serie A l'11 e 12 dicembre. 'Non e' uno sciopero, perche' la giornata si recupera e non c'e' danno economico per le tv - ricorda -. Noi lottiamo per i nostri diritti, non per i soldi'".

Cosa propone Lucarelli, di applicare lo statuto dei lavoratori ai calciatori, categoria notoriamente "disagiata"? Di quali diritti parla il falso partigiano livornese? Lucarelli è un giocatore del Napoli solo in quanto paid, but, in the only game in which he joined after 30 seconds, was injured, a sign that should go away from Naples.