Friday, October 29, 2010

Sherwood Rv-6030r Receiver Opinion


recipe and photo of Alessandra Cenci
Ingredients per 2 persone:
500 grammi di gnocchi, 600 grammi di zucca, 6 gamberoni, 1 spicchio d’aglio, olio extra vergine di oliva, prezzemolo secco, peperoncino, ribes rosso, mandorle, paprika dolce, zafferano, sale

Mettere uno spicchio d’aglio a soffriggere delicatamente con un po’ di olio extra vergine d’oliva in un kwok, con prezzemolo secco, e peperoncino. Aggiungere poco dopo la zucca sbucciata e tagliata a cubetti sottili, e durante gli ultimi cinque minuti di cottura aggiungere i gamberoni freschi che sono stati lavati si sono tolte le antenne e farli cuocere a fuoco lento con il coperchio. Aggiungere a questo punto i singoli fruttini di ribes fresco rosso, con poche mandorle tritate. Controllarli in cooking and stir occasionally. When almost cooked, add a hint of paprika. Apart from cooking the dumplings. When the gnocchi came to the surface, drain and combine them together in kwok for the last five minutes. Now you can add saffron, which is heat labile. Whether it is the saffron powder or are the stigmas, agrees with two inches of warm water to melt it in part a saucepan and pour over dumplings that are colored with a nice bright yellow. If the addition of currants can turn up their nose at someone, I suggest you try anyway, because the taste a little bitter currant contrasts well with the sweetness of the pumpkin. Just try it. Serve. Happy Halloween dinner!

Properties of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima)
The properties of the pumpkin have already been described by me in the post buckwheat pumpkin and radicchio for this month.
Properties of red shrimp ( Aristeus antennatus and Aristeomorpha foliacea )
With the name of red shrimp are usually identified two species, Aristeus antennatus, also known as crab imperial, and Aristeomorpha foliacea. The two species are very similar in shape, color and habits. All shellfish, including shrimp have a good content of zinc, magnesium, iodine and zinc is important ferro.Lo for the proper functioning of the immune system, magnesium acts as a cofactor in many enzyme reactions in our body, iodine is important for proper thyroid function, and iron is needed to form hemoglobin mature, and in many enzymatic reactions. Although shrimp have a good cholesterol, which is always important for the formation of cell membranes and a precursor of steroid hormones, are very rich in omega 3 fatty acids. They are also very rich in protein and vitamins A, B6 and B12, and they have a good relationship between sodium and potassium, and then fight water retention. Some people use them to lose weight in excellent recipe as written in the blog
From: dietaefitness/9096918.htm


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