Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Pizze in faccia ai Leghisti.

Neapolitan pizza chefs I met this morning by Sorbillo and made up a spontaneous street protests of the Courts with a pizza wrapped in mourning and placards against the league and the EU to protest against the request to remove the brand of pizza Stg.

"10-year battle to get the brand Stg (specialty Traditional guaranteed) - said the president of Sergio Miccù 'Association Neapolitan pizza - and a few months to levarcelo. I am disgusted, since the league manages the Ministry of 'Agriculture Neapolitan pizza makers have been brought to their knees. 'S former Minister Zaia was not even a recognition festegiare EU, preferred the McDonald's sandwich Mc Italy. At the Ministry we are doing for months in the run for several offices not finish anything. Now the jar is full we will not be more quiet. "

"We are preparing to march on Rome of the pizza out of the Ministry. From Friday, the Neapolitan pizza will put drapes in mourning in protest against the government and the EU even though we know that questo colpo basso è anche opera dei leghisti. Non ci aiutano a levare la monnezza dalla strada ma la pizza napoletana invece ce la vogliono scippare».
«Ho pianto tre volte nella mia vita - spiega il pizzaiolo Gino Sorbillo - quando sono nati i miei figli, quando abbiamo avuto il marchio Stg e quando da ieri stanno tentando di levarcelo. Sappiano una cosa i signori della Ue e della lega questa volta non gli permetteremo di fare ancora del male a Napoli


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