Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Baby Powdered Perfumes


Photo by Alessandra Cenci-Dilek Peninsula (Turkey)
The last ten years have been characterized by a severe economic crisis that is sweeping the world. Climate change, environmental pollution, the economic collapse ... it seems almost impossible now to hope for a better future. What kind of world we leave to our children and our grandchildren? Yet, as Einstein said, the father of relativity 'E' problems can be overcome only by changing the thoughts and attitudes that created them. " Roy Martina writes in his latest book "The formula for life:" The mentality of capitalism has to change, we need to achieve sustainable growth and green .... " Although it may seem strange to a study by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) (en) shows that the same acres, the emissions of greenhouse gases with organic farms are less than 35-37% compared to conventional animal manure crops seconds. This is because organic farming returns on average 12-15% more carbon dioxide than other fertilizers in the soil due to higher fertility and humus content which provides the ground. Biodiversity is threatened by habitat destruction, particularly due to pollution, urbanization and deforestation and drainage of wetlands ... new viruses and parasites found themselves suddenly to jumps of species and have become more aggressive. Genetic uniformity of crops selected solely on the basis of increased productivity of crops and GMOs (genetically modified) may create a greater vulnerability to diseases in agriculture and animal husbandry. In 1840, late blight destroyed the Irish potato crops causing the death of over one million people. Environmental damage and accidents are becoming more common. The imbalances are so numerous that it seems impossible to find a way out. Anger and despair are growing. There are people who spend their lives on the Internet to speak ill of all, even some scientists, psychologists and economists are convinced that the man is to aggressive nature and utilitarian. "Homo homini lupus" wrote the English philosopher Hobbes, but as Jeremy Rifkin writes in his latest book "The Civilization of empathy" in recent decades, some startling discoveries in biology and neuroscience have changed this belief by showing that men and women are able from an early age to relate to others in empathy, ie the ability to perceive the feelings of others, and especially the suffering as if they were their own. The discovery of mirror neurons in the research group Rizzoli and his co-workers in 1996 was due to a real earthquake in the academic world and has forced biologists, psicologi, filosofi a rimettere in discussione la dicotomia cartesiana mente-corpo, che isolava la ragione dai sentimenti e dalle emozioni. In pratica i ricercatori scoprirono tramite la risonanza magnetica nucleare (NMR) che i neuroni della corteccia frontale del cervello di un macaco si attivavano sia prima che l’animale afferrasse una nocciolina sia se l’animale vedeva il ricercatore allungare il braccio verso la nocciolina senza aver mosso alcun muscolo. La scoperta dei neuroni a specchio apre la porta a quei meccanismi biologici che rendono possibile la socialità. Essere sociali quindi è nella nostra natura. La vita degli individui è resa possibile grazie alle interazioni con gli altri. La vita stessa dei primi individui pluricellulari è stata resa possibile dall’assemblarsi di colonie pluricellulari che man mano sono divenute sempre più complesse attraverso la specializzazione, proprio come nelle comunità umane preistoriche, la presenza di soli cacciatori non garantiva la sopravvivenza e grazie all’introduzione delle coltivazioni nacquero le prime popolazioni. Ora direte voi per sopravvivere e prosperare dobbiamo scegliere tra uno stato statico ed uno dinamico, erbe mediche e tecnologia? Una cosa non esclude l’altra… Esiste un sapere millenario sull’uso delle piante medicinali che ha fondato le sue tradizioni nella filosofia ayurvedica e cinese, mentre la nostra tradizione biomedica è di tipo positivistico, in una persona viene presa in esame solo la sua patologia, Yet if we consider the progress of science, medicine has done wonders. In order to integrate both the individual must leave and allow her needs are met. The same is true for energy, one part should be increased study and application of alternative energy sources, other sources of oil are still required to produce the raw materials. You could reduce the consumption of meat, as from a FAO study showed that livestock produces 18% of emissions of greenhouse gases, most of the transport sector. Climate change, water scarcity and food oil can create new political tensions and conflicts. Yet, as Jeremy Rifkin wrote a " large number of studies around the world clearly shows that the more the values \u200b\u200bat the center of our lives are oriented to materialism, the more decrease the quality of our lives, and that once it reaches the threshold of being, an additional enrichment does not create more welfare, but instead triggers the selfishness and greed and people become less and less empathetic. " A positive change is possible, but requires sustained efforts by all. Fortunately, in history there have been exemplary human beings who have lived according to human values \u200b\u200bof compassion, generosity and philanthropy. Gordon watched "Love makes the brain grow, so we still have a chance and we must exploit it fully, especially for future generations. Ironically, climate change is forcing us to acknowledge our shared humanity and our common suffering. We still have time to draw our positive future, a story of universal love, the only way to ensure our future.

From: Roy Martina "The formula for life" Ed Sperling and Kupfer

Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman "spontaneous evolution" Ed Macro

Jeremy Rifkin "The civilization of empathy" Ed Mondadori


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