Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Peterborough Ontario Gays

Il bagno turco

common to many people, the turkish bath is an ancient practice used to help cleanse the body and mind through sweating.
It 's a treatment that takes place in a closed environment where the relative humidity is very high (90 to 100%). The temperature varies from 40 to 60 ° C and increases from bottom to top.
Sweating is less intense than in a hot and dry like a sauna, but since the stay is prolonged, the end result is often transpired that the amount of sweat is higher.
The 'hammam bring many benefits to health:
- accelerates' done away from the skin of toxins, relieves the task of the kidneys and the' gut;
- helps get rid of heavy metals like lead and mercury derivatives from ' pollution;
- strengthens the immune system;
- liquify the phlegm and cure coughs and colds;
- makes the skin soft and radiant;
- according to some research, it would be able to act positively also balances hormone.

Relax with turkish bath

vapors in turkish bath You can reach levels of deep relaxation : the heat, combined with all 'high humidity acts positively nervous system by triggering the activity of the parasympathetic system .

The first thing to do and undergo a medical examination to determine whether contraindications (problems of high blood pressure). You can do one or two sessions a week following these simple tips:
- Before entering the bathroom frizionatevi thoroughly with a brush for the body by removing dead cells and activating the movement vapors have more effect

- After have made a quick shower in the bathroom revenue turco: mettetevi seduti e non sdraiati per evitare cali di pressione. Rilassatevi, chiudete gli occhi e respirate lentamente.
- Dopo dieci minuti uscite e fate una breve doccia fresca seguita , se lo desiderate,in un immersione di un minuto in una vasca fredda per stimolare la circolazione . Rientrate nel bagno turco e ripetete il ciclo uno o due volte

- Concludete con un bagno freddo, quindi indossate un accappatoio e sdraiatevi sul lettino. Copritevi bene usando anche una coperta di lana ( in questo modo il corpo può eliminare altre tossine sudando). Concedevi altri 10 minuti di relax.


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