Tisane digestive
Per chi soffre di problemi digestivi ecco alcuni infusi che aiutano a digerire meglio evitando così la pesantezza allo stomaco.
Infuso di finocchio, anice, menta, rabarbaro e genziana
15 g di anice in semi, 10 g di finocchio in semi, 10 g di foglie di mint, 10 g of rhubarb root, 5 g gentian
Chop, grind and mix the essences together. Place a spoonful of mixture in a cup of boiling water. Infuse for fifteen minutes and filter.
Drink two cups a day between meals
infusion of lavender mint and thyme
Ingredients 10 gr of lavender, lemon balm 10 gr, 10 gr mint, 10 gr of thyme
Place a spoonful of the mixture in a cup of boiling water and leave to infuse for about ten minutes. Drink a cup half 'hours after the main meals.
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