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NOODLES WITH KAMUT prawns with cherry tomatoes, raspberry and ginger

Ricetta e foto di Alessandra Cenci- piatto completo (primo e secondo)

Ingredienti per 2 persone:
250 grammi di tagliatelle fresche di kamut, 6-8 mazzancolle, 300 grammi pomodori pachino, uno o due spicchi d’aglio, olio extra vergine di oliva, prezzemolo secco, peperoncino, lamponi, zenzero, sale

Mettere uno spicchio d’aglio a soffriggere delicatamente con un po’ extra virgin olive oil in a kwok, with dried parsley, and pepper. Add a little after the tomatoes cut in half, and during the last five minutes of cooking add the prawns were fresh and washed, the antennas were removed, and cook over low heat with the lid. Add to this the individual berries raspberry. The shrimp are recognized when they are cooked because they go from gray to a beautiful orange-red. Check in the kitchen and turn them from time to time. When almost cooked, add a pinch of ginger powder. Boil the noodles fresh kamut. When the noodles are almost ready after a few minutes, drain and combine them with other ingredients in the kwok for the last five minutes. Serve. Kamut pasta is in all health food stores.

Property pulp kamut (Triticum turgidum )
Kamut is the 'ancestor of wheat today,' s Egyptian origin, remained unchanged for millennia. Recently rediscovered, Kamut is a cereal largest and nutritious wheat, even if it has less carbohydrate (66%). Very easy to digest even for the low gluten content, Kamut is a source of protein, vitamins (like vitamin E), minerals (including magnesium and zinc) and selenium, an antioxidant trace element that fights cell damage caused by free radicals.

Proprietà del pomodoro pachino ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) Appartiene alla famiglia delle Solanaceae. Questa varietà di pomodori coltivati a Pachino in Sicilia e nella zona sud-orientale della Sicilia, sono noti oltre che per il loro sapore anche per il loro elevato contenuto di vitamine la A, in particolare la C e di antiossidanti, sopratutto il licopene, entrambe sostanze note per la loro attività antitumorale, con maggiore incidenza proteggendo dal tumore alla prostata nell’uomo, e tumore del seno e delle ovaie nelle donne, e diminuiscono l’insorgenza delle malattie cardiovascolari. Sono ricchi di sali minerali, in particolare potassio. Per tutta questa serie di proprietà il pomodoro pachino si è guadagnato the title of that product igp protected geographical indication. Surely the many virtues are conferred by the particular microclimate where it grows.
Property shrimp (Panaeus kerathurus )
It 's a crustacean, is also called "Imperial Shrimp" because of its brown streaks on the bottom of a sand / green. The prawn is more than the shrimp grossa.Vive in the Mediterranean Sea, but can also be found in the Atlantic. It 'important when you buy it fresh. The prawn is rich in B vitamins (like thiamin and riboflavin), also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins and above all (for as much as 15%). Fats and carbohydrates are scarce, hence the calorie intake is low.

Properties of raspberry (Rubus idaeus )
The raspberry is widespread in mountainous areas. Its fruits and leaves have therapeutic properties. Its fruits are rich in vitamins B, C, minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and iron, have a strengthening effect on the immune system due to polifeni that have anti-inflammatory and anticancer reinforce the walls of blood vessels and are suitable for diabetics. The fruits are energizing, tonic, and muscle relaxants antispasmolitiche. The fruit also has astringent properties. The raspberry also has a balancing action on the apparatus female reproductive system. While the decoction of leaves is suitable for skin inflammation.
properties of ginger (Zingiber officinalis )
Among the minerals we include: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and zinc present in ginger rame.Vitamine: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin J. Rich in amino acids such as alanine, arginine and cystine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid, proline, serine, lysine, glycine and tyrosine. She has digestive properties and purification and antispasmolitiche.

From: http://www.iobenessereblog.it/dieta-e-pasta-le-ricette-della-pasta-nella-dieta-pasta-di-kamut-pasta-di-mais-pasta-di-farro- bio-ed-orzo/664
http://www.igppachino. it/index.php/prodotto/C20 /
http : / / www.inerboristeria.com / raspberry-proprieta.html


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