hypnosis SPIRITUAL
Photo by Alessandra Cenci - Iceland sea \u200b\u200bice
This article was written for the blog to advertise mylifetv an exceptional event to be held in Riccione from 4 to 6 February 2011 at 'Le Spit where you held a two-day workshop sull'autoipnosi spiritual, for the first time in Europe, with Roy Martina, holistic doctor, psychologist, expert in kinesiology and coaching of international renown and his son Joey Martin, Master Hypnotist, NLP Trainer and regression therapy. This form of self-hypnosis was originally conceived by Calvin D. Banyan and was later developed by Roy and Joey Martin. In the picture the iceberg represents the conscious part of our illuminated by the beam of light of our awareness, everything is under water is governed by our unconscious-You want to live a life very bright and more fragrant ...? Do you feel aligned with your desires or do you think now is too late ... maybe you're not the person you want to be, not merit, you can not, you're sick, you're getting older ... and if You, however, was wrong about you? Has it ever occurred? Have you ever tried to look at an object from different angles to see how it changes? And if you was watching from one angle? Even a mountain may seem small when you see it from an airplane ... The reality is that our brain does not distinguish between real and virtual images, we fear if we schedule an event and we adversely from that event surely you could get a negative result, and if we display a success, a triumph that will happen. The reality is that we all are already masters of hypnosis. We hypnotized ourselves about our beliefs. A belief is a virtual fire that we recognize as real and which focus all our attention and completely erase all that contrast. In the face of a tiger real or imagined our bodies produce the same adrenaline molecules activating the hypothalamic-pituitary axis that extended over time may cause serious side effects. The good news is that the mind can be "reprogrammed." Bruce Lipton writes in his book "Evolution spontaneous ":" While the conscious mind only contributes 5% of our cognitive activity, 95% of our actions, decisions and emotions come from the subconscious. Our destiny is under control of programs that have been recorded in our first years of life. Unfortunately, if most of what we have learned about misperceptions, as adults these beliefs continue to occur through self sabotaging behavior. All those beliefs for which the child is not worthy, it is not good enough or smart, is not worthy of love ... manifest as false perceptions that shape the reality that the individual himself without realizing it. Becoming aware of our unconscious beliefs is the starting point for the spontaneous evolution. " Self-hypnosis is a self-induced hypnosis that allows you to go beyond the functions of consciousness going to nip those blocks that prevent us to live the life we \u200b\u200bwant. Want to increase self-esteem, you want to lose weight, or heal, overcome phobias, insecurities, trauma? The list is very long. Spiritual healing means that you can re-programming your subconscious to come out of the divine in you. Body and soul are connected to each other. All our cells have innate intelligence. Health is perceived from our autonomic nervous system's ability to perceive accurately all relevant information environment, including toxins produced by negative moods. As Maxwell Maltz wrote in PsicoCibernetica, positive thinking works only when it is consistent with its image of itself '. From this point of view these two days could change your life forever. Being self-hypnosis, once learned the technique you can use it alone at any time. Try it! - For further information see the link http://www.mylifestore.it/corsi/autoipnosi-spirituale.php
From: http://www.mylifetv.it/blog/2011/01/05/autoipnosi spirituale.php-
http://www.scienza segreta.blogspot.com/2010/08/che-cose-lautoipnosi.html
Roy Martina “La formula per la vita” Ed. Sperling & Kupfler
Bruce Lipton e Steve Bhaerman “Evoluzione spontanea” Macro Ed.
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