Il vecchio ha la fidanzata.
The old man - if not the President of the Council of Ministers, would simply be a pervert - says he has girlfriend and certainly many will wonder if anything will come to the house of her parents and grandparents to seek approval, but I - who still consider myself to be healthy in an Italy completely crazy - no.
I shudder still, thinking that the old reprobate was close to the family day thousands of families who asked a simple attention to the government to support children and young lovers who want to marry. Shudder thinking about the kind of old acquaintances who claim with pride and the new morality that requires the people, with its pornographic television.
now the parents of tante puttanelle indiziate di essere le amanti di Berlusconi -che lui ha sistemato all'interno di tutte le istituzioni a spese del contribuente che, fesso, paga non usufruendo nemmeno del servizio - non negano nemmeno più con vergogna l'accostamento tra le loro figlie e Berlusconi, ma ai giornali dichiarano " magari fosse vero ...".
Rectius: cosa ti piacerebbe che facesse tua figlia da grande? Spero tanto la puttana d'alto bordo, una di quelle che va con i vecchi rimbambiti facoltosi...
Nell'avverbio "magari" riportato con orgoglio sui giornali ci sono tutti i sintomi di un paese che è definitivamente impazzito, che approverebbe anche l'accopiamento tra asini e vacche se solo ne avesse l'occasione ("Because everyone in his bed can do what he pleases," is now common vulgate), and now is preparing for the debate on the permissibility of incest.
E 'intolerable that a seventy-four years old, going to hell and that his life has never been shown to have a modicum of morality, which claims all its erection in all connections with television characters worthy of the squalid brothels frequented , claims to have a girlfriend?
E 'legitimate in Italy when the young can not marry him because his girlfriend did not even have a job to make them fully autonomous?
E 'respectful of a world, the elderly, to which Berlusconi has even taken away the dignity?
NOTE: THE VIDEO - WITH RUBY RUBACUORI - is dedicated to StarsandBars / Vandeaitaliana and its values \u200b\u200bof cardboard.
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