Recipe and Photo by Alessandra Cenci
Serves 2:
100 grams of buckwheat, 600 grams of pumpkin, 200 grams of radicchio, a leek or onion in its place a green onion, extra virgin olive oil, dried parsley, red pepper, paprika, salt
Do not worry, because despite its name, buckwheat is a cereal, but a polygonacea and is completely free of gluten, which is suitable for power gluten-free. To be used as food grains have to be dug.
Buckwheat does not need prior soaking, but you still need a wash and then you can directly put to cook in a terracotta dish with a double in volume of water for about twenty minutes. Meanwhile, the leek, cut into small pieces, only the white part below the root or without the onion and sauté gently apart with a little 'extra virgin olive oil in a kwok, with dried parsley, and pepper . Add a little after the pumpkin peeled and cut into cubes, and if possible made almost a pulp with the blender, and ten minutes later, add the radicchio washed e sminuzzato e farli cuocere a fuoco lento con il coperchio. Controllarli nella cottura e girarli di tanto in tanto. A cottura quasi ultimata aggiungere un velo di paprika in polvere. Terminare la cottura dei vegetali e del grano saraceno unendoli insieme nel kwok per gli ultimi cinque minuti. Servire a tavola.
Proprietà del grano saraceno ( Fagopyrum esculentum )
Come accennato sopra il grano saraceno non è un cereale ma una polygonacea, per cui è privo di glutine e adatto ai celiaci ed agli intolleranti al glutine. La pianta è originaria dell’Asia ed è stata introdotta in Europa dai turchi nel medioevo. Il grano saraceno, anche dopo la macinazione, conserva un amido particolare a più slow digestion, which is why it is also indicated in the diet of diabetics. And 'rich in minerals, especially iron and magnesium and B vitamins and vitamin E. It 's very rich in protein and contains a good amount of essential amino acids such as lysine, which was lacking in cereals, and tryptophan. The nutritional value of its proteins is comparable to that of meat and soya. Its flour contains rutin, which protects the blood vessels. It also has a hemorrhagic action. E 'useful in growth in fatigue and during lactation.
Properties pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima )
The pumpkin is particularly rich in carotenes and Vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, calcium and fiber. The high presence of carotenoids make a food effective in preventing cancer. It contains a low percentage of lipids. It 's suitable for diabetics and weight-loss diets. Has diuretic, laxative and sedative. The seeds are vermifuge properties and purify the kidneys.
Properties radicchio ( Cychorium Intybus)
has a high cleansing power of the blood. It 's very rich in minerals, anthocyanins, vitamins of group B, A and C. Aids digestion, liver function and stimulates the secretion bile. Its fibers give laxative properties.
From: http://www.nuovaterrasrl.it
http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/tabelle-nutrizionali/ZUCCA GIALLA.htm-
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