Monday, September 27, 2010

Surgery For Facial Flushing

COMBINATIONS for optimum digestion

Photo by Alessandra Cenci
Sometimes even after a meal of wholesome food may feel a sense of heaviness due to digestive problems. This can also occur in the absence of food allergies because not all foods are digested with the same times and in the same way. Inside of mouth, stomach and intestines are many enzymes. Enzymes are the proteins that act as biological catalysts allowing all biochemical reactions occur, for example, during digestion. Enzymes are very specific in the sense that not only some are present only in certain specialized cells, but are specific to certain foods: amylases such as are delegated the digestion of starch, lipase for digestion of fats and protease for protein digestion. Each of these enzymes to function at optimum level, it needs a particular environment that may be acidic or alkaline. The first digestion occurs in the mouth where the enzyme is present ptyalin for an initial carbohydrate digestion, so you should eat slowly and chew longer. Other enzymes critical for digestion of carbohydrates are found in the gut. Both in the mouth in the gut is an alkaline environment. In the stomach gastric juices will provide to create an acidic environment for the protein component of grains. The protein foods are digested in a rather acidic, so when chewing, which must always be accurate, there will be no digestion in the stomach but a specific enzyme pepsinogen converted to the active pepsin by the gastric juices will start the digestion of proteins. From all this it follows that for optimal digestion and assimilation of food perfect, it would be advisable not to combine with each other protein foods (meat, fish, legumes, eggs and cheese) with carbohydrate foods (grains, flour, pasta, bread and potatoes). By contrast, the combination of too many foods in addition to straining the digestive system would give rise to different toxins to eliminate a waste of energy. Even different kinds of protein foods should not be combined with each other. Le verdure sia cotte che crude possono essere associate a qualsiasi cibo. L’ideale sarebbe poter iniziare il pasto o la cena con un piatto di insalata fresca per fornire al corpo tutti gli oligoelementi e le vitamine necessarie per una digestione ottimale. La frutta non andrebbe mangiata a fine pasto perché potrebbe indurre fermentazione nell’intestino, mentre mangiata lontano dai pasti si digerisce rapidamente. I dolci sarebbe meglio mangiarli dopo un pasto di carboidrati. Alcuni abbinamenti possono essere più tollerati come farro e fagioli, riso e lenticchie, frutta acida al termine di un pasto proteico. Questa teoria del Dott. Shelton, pur conservando la sua validità è stata ultimamente anche un po’ rivista, nel senso che il succo di lemon over the meat and fish would favor the absorption of iron due to vitamin C. In conclusion then these rules are only indicative, the food must also be a pleasure, a moment of sharing with others, and serenity ... like I said in my initial post naturally healthy ... We need to nourish and nurture our next positive thoughts.

From: H. Shelton, "The simple combination of foods" Ed G. Manca
From the Street "food combinations" Red Ed
http:// / comb-ali.html


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