a) muri di sostegno propriamente detti : l'altezza del muro è uguale quella del terrapieno che deve sostenere e pertanto assolvono a una funzione statica;
b) muri di sottoscarpa : la loro altezza è inferiore a quella del terrapieno per cui il terreno posto oltre il limite superiore costituisce overload and is arranged according to the plan of natural slope
c) walls controripa: sit back and play the way
The two external walls to the ground and are commonly referred to as outer and inner garments.
may have the following types of cross-sections:
a) wall with rectangular cross section only for heights up to 1.80 to 2.00 m;
b) wall with trapezoidal section: it is used for heights of embankments on I-5 , 00-foot range and can be made with facing:
sometimes facing the interior is replaced by cut away, realize any steps 0.1-0.15 m H
c) wall with spurs or buttresses inside or outside: For heights above 5.00 m, in order to reduce the thickness work support, and then make it cheaper, the wall is supported by reinforcements such spurs
d) wall with buttresses and vaulted interior shelves or unloading: for greater heights of 7.00 ~ 8.00 m, the sections until now considered to have high and thick enough that make them cheaper, so the spurs are connected, typically at constant distances from the shelves
rigid support are divided into:
a) retaining walls, gravity must have a high weight thick;
b) retaining walls with vertical slab cantilever: are made of reinforced concrete thickness of those walls is always much content;
c) walls semigravità: with smaller, any tensile stresses are made to flex to absorb a small metal case rather than an increase in the thickness of the wall
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