Otto Wagner el'archittettura modern.
However, the change is so radical, so that we can not speak of a rebirth of the Renaissance. About this motion, you can only talk about birth. Otto Wagner.
"But before the genius of Otto Wagner, I lower the sails," said Adolf Loos, the restless and always controversial "revolutionary architecture" may it not be better confirmation of the importance of this artist.
Master of Hoffmann, Olbrich, Loos and Antonio Sant'Elia, he laid the foundations of modern architecture. "The 'dream' of Wagner of being the architect of the Ringstrasse βe, follower of glitz and style of imperial life and upper-class, in stark contrast with Otto Wagner artist of the building, the first archit ect of Vienna Modern. "
Wagner soon began experimenting with concrete urban needs, from the practical point of view as the theoretical one, in projects for the city's subway stations and the Posrsparkasse (Cassa di postal savings) and written in Modern Architecture, 1895. During the years of its inception had been in the processing of Vienna in the metropolis, as a result of the monumental building works - especially on the Ringstrasse βe - that had profoundly changed the character. He However, he was not personally involved, and only with projects for the subway, in 1894, pot is to provide a personal contribution alla configurazione del nuovo volto della città. I primi lavori da lui eseguiti presentano una veste stilistica storicista, con una particolare attenzione per l’architettura classica. Le forme, i dettagli, le planimetrie delle sue prime ville si basano sulle ville neo-rinascimentali del XIX secolo, ma denotano già una notevole chiarezza compositiva e costruttiva. Al pari di Berlage e Behrens, anche Wagner condusse un approfondito studio delle opere di Gottfried Sempre, le cui "lezioni" di storia lo incitarono, insieme ai suoi allievi, a non trascurare l’eredità architettonica per dedicarsi a opere volgari o, peggio, innocue.
Wagner, comunque, si dimostrò più interessato alla progettazione di "casermoni" che non to that of single-family houses, preferring to devote himself to finding solutions to the housing needs of the growing urban population. The two apartment blocks built by Wagner and for rent on Wienzeile fraction represents a milestone in the recognition of "ordinary people" the right to a dignified life. The facades made of Secession, aroused great because of their luxurious appearance. The house is located at 38 of the Linke Wienzeile sported medallions of gilded stucco and Moser, while the number 40 is entirely covered with colored ceramic tiles, bearing ornamental plants and flowers - a clear demonstration of the possibility of successfully combining decoration and architecture.
Dopo un prolungato lavoro preliminare e un’infinità di progetti respinti, nel 1893 iniziarono in lavori per la costruzione della metropolitana di Vienna. Al fine di conferire a questo moderno mezzo di trasporto una forma adeguata ai tempi, nel 1894 Otto Wagner fu nominato consigliere artistico della Commissione Trasporti, responsabile dell’opera. Il suo compito atteneva alla definizione dello stile e del design che doveva improntare le stazioni i ponti, i viadotti e le infrastrutture in genere, fino all’arredamento dei vagoni. Per poter rispettare le scadenze imposte, Wagner aprì il proprio studio – che già comprendeva Hoffmann e Olbrich – alla collaborazione di circa settanta persone dando vita alla prima cellula dell’architettura modern.
The fruits of this artistic collaboration, this was amazing, although the insensitive bureaucracy Viennese period after the First World War, it has destroyed an important part.

station Karlsplatz is characterized by the presence of two pavilions seats opposite one another on both sides of the tracks. Unlike other stations, which were made of plaster finishes, these two halls had a steel skeleton covered with slabs of marble slabs on the outside and plaster inside. These plates bear an embossed pattern that also occurs in sunflower seeds circular pediment. The decor Jugendstil-secessionist gives these two buildings ""funzionali" un carattere quasi sfarzoso.
"Si può star certi che l’arte e gli artisti sono sempre rappresentativi della loro epoca". Con la chiesa di Steinhof, invece, costruita nel 1902, Wagner mise in pratica le proprie concezioni modernistiche nel campo dell’architettura sacra; nonostante l’estrema cura per l’aspetto estetico, anche questo edificio religioso è anch’esso caratterizzato da un vigoroso funzionalismo.
La "nascita": la sede della Österreichische Postsparkasse
Che Wagner fosse un "costruttitivista funzionalista" risulta con evidenza nella sua opera più celebre – la sede della Österreichische Postsparkasse, a Vienna – sia details from both the design of the main space of the room doors.

"The roof of the hall doors, glass un'arcuata epidermis, is suspended on supports that form a network to view, mo 'ceiling. The principle of the suspension bridge is here, perhaps, perhaps for the first time, applied to the construction of a roof. The experiment did not work, because Wagner had not protected the skin layer with a second similar glass.
According to later interpretations, Wagner should have been decided in this way because otherwise the principle of the suspended structure would have been less visible. From the hallway of the large room, you could originally see with look through the windows, the suspended structure, today the same point you can see only the space between the new roof and its outstanding finish. Even so, the feeling is sensational.

Wagner with the team of his colleagues, also took charge of the interior design of the Österreichische Post Office Savings Bank.
From then on, Wagner, "the artist building, adopting new and unconventional materials such as aluminum and covers the facades of its buildings with thin slabs of marble, such as the underground station Karlsplatz . The new material comes to the fore in the building that houses the dispatch office the newspaper "Die Zeit": the iron structure of the entrance was covered with sheet aluminum, and it is precisely because they have given a decisive role in this "baby" material that the building occupies a prominent place in the history of . Among the architectural
subsequent experiments include a delicatessen, with an input white lacquered the "Loos-Portal" while front-store jewelry Spitz temple stood until the mid-thirties.
![]() | "All modern creations who want modern humanity should be appropriate to deal with new materials and the changing needs of the present. " The innovative portal that features the mailroom of" Die Zeit "agree fully with the approach of the newspaper, born from the weekly magazine of the same name with the aim of keeping the keep your audience informed about the rapid developments in the field of art and current events. Here, Wagner "passed" the Secession. |
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