recipe and photo of Alessandra Cenci
Ingredients per 2 persone:
500 grammi di gnocchi, 600 grammi di zucca, 6 gamberoni, 1 spicchio d’aglio, olio extra vergine di oliva, prezzemolo secco, peperoncino, ribes rosso, mandorle, paprika dolce, zafferano, sale
Mettere uno spicchio d’aglio a soffriggere delicatamente con un po’ di olio extra vergine d’oliva in un kwok, con prezzemolo secco, e peperoncino. Aggiungere poco dopo la zucca sbucciata e tagliata a cubetti sottili, e durante gli ultimi cinque minuti di cottura aggiungere i gamberoni freschi che sono stati lavati si sono tolte le antenne e farli cuocere a fuoco lento con il coperchio. Aggiungere a questo punto i singoli fruttini di ribes fresco rosso, con poche mandorle tritate. Controllarli in cooking and stir occasionally. When almost cooked, add a hint of paprika. Apart from cooking the dumplings. When the gnocchi came to the surface, drain and combine them together in kwok for the last five minutes. Now you can add saffron, which is heat labile. Whether it is the saffron powder or are the stigmas, agrees with two inches of warm water to melt it in part a saucepan and pour over dumplings that are colored with a nice bright yellow. If the addition of currants can turn up their nose at someone, I suggest you try anyway, because the taste a little bitter currant contrasts well with the sweetness of the pumpkin. Just try it. Serve. Happy Halloween dinner!
Properties of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima)
The properties of the pumpkin have already been described by me in the post buckwheat pumpkin and radicchio for this month.
Properties of red shrimp ( Aristeus antennatus and Aristeomorpha foliacea )
With the name of red shrimp are usually identified two species, Aristeus antennatus, also known as crab imperial, and Aristeomorpha foliacea. The two species are very similar in shape, color and habits. All shellfish, including shrimp have a good content of zinc, magnesium, iodine and zinc is important ferro.Lo for the proper functioning of the immune system, magnesium acts as a cofactor in many enzyme reactions in our body, iodine is important for proper thyroid function, and iron is needed to form hemoglobin mature, and in many enzymatic reactions. Although shrimp have a good cholesterol, which is always important for the formation of cell membranes and a precursor of steroid hormones, are very rich in omega 3 fatty acids. They are also very rich in protein and vitamins A, B6 and B12, and they have a good relationship between sodium and potassium, and then fight water retention. Some people use them to lose weight in excellent recipe as written in the blog
From: dietaefitness/9096918.htm
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
What Is The Difference Between Guillain-barre
not be naturally healthy just about eating healthily, physical activity at least three times a week, be in harmony with nature, to have strong emotional ties, but also means to eat constructive thoughts, full of love and empathy to themselves and what surrounds us. Recent research on long-lived people, who came to old age in good health, conducted by eminent doctors, showed that it was not just the type of power, nor to abstain from alcohol, which led them to that state, as an attitude to develop a positive approach towards life. For positive approach towards life, I mean the ability to let go of trauma, negative thoughts and keep a relaxed attitude towards life's challenges, even seeing the humor, Osho would say "laugh life." When we let go of the challenges of life is the moment when we experience what we are really more e spesso ci si accorge di avere una forza e un’energia completamente inaspettata. Queste sono le esperienze di persone realmente guarite da gravi malattie o persone che hanno avuto un grave incidente che sono andate in coma e sono riuscite dal coma e guarite. Un esempio di questi casi è il medico di fama internazionale Roy Martina, che dopo essere guarito da un traumatico incidente, che aveva per sempre “apparentemente” segnato il suo sogno di diventare un chirurgo, lo ha portato invece a specializzarsi dopo la laurea in medicina tradizionale, in medicine alternative che lo hanno condotto a diventare medico e coaching di successo mondiale. E’ l’inventore delle tecniche di Equilibrio Emozionale o di NEI (integrazione neuro emozionale) Healing and Omega, as well as having written successful books. The main idea of \u200b\u200bhis revolutionary methods is that all too often at an unconscious level individuals can autosabotare with misconduct or limiting beliefs that promote the onset of illness and psychological and physical decay. In all Oriental medicine, there is no abrupt transition from health to disease, but a continuum. To the east in fact, health does not imply absence of disease, so much so that a person begins to "die" when it slowly begins to fade in its energy field. The modern discoveries of quantum physics are completely in line with the theories of ancient Taoist, and Ayurvedic medicine. We are atoms and molecules that vibrate at a certain frequency and with sophisticated devices that measure electromagnetic changes in the cell for example by nuclear magnetic resonance recognize tumor cells from normal cells. Has long been known that people are living longer serene, but the discovery of Dr. Candace Pert have thrown the biochemical basis of the existence of a new branch of the psycho-neuro-endocrine immunology. Thanks to his research, physiology and biophysics Dr. Pert discovered that not only in the brain, but even in T cells of the immune system, were the receptors for beta-endorphins, our endogenous opiates, or molecules of the "welfare" . As Dr. Deepak Chopra writes in his book "The My path to wellness "," often we get sick because of the belief that this is the reality of life ... the key to the reality of our universe is that unconsciously we choose .... " The good news that emotional intelligence, or empathy for oneself and for others can learn and improve by removing the root of many evils .... Reading the books of the psychologist Dr. Daniel Goleman author of, among other things, "Emotional Intelligence" you will discover how these goals are within reach of anyone. The photo, which I put in this article, the clouds lit by the setting sun, the clouds would like to represent that as there are now no tomorrow, because they are taken away by the wind, so the negative thoughts, the wrong attitudes can be swept away by the wind of inner awareness. As the Dalai Lama "Happiness can be achieved by training the mind by adopting a certain inner discipline ... we can change our attitude, our entire world view and our approach to life."
From: Roy Martina "The formula for life" Ed Sperling & Kupfer
Roy Martina "emotional equilibrium" and. New techniques
Candace Pert "Molecules of emotion" Ed Corbaccio
Deepak Chopra: "My path to wellness" Ed Sperling
Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence" Ed Rizzoli
Dalai Lama with Howard C. Cutler, "The Art of Happiness" Oscar Mondadori Ed ;
Photo by Alessandra Cenci - Sunset fiery not be naturally healthy just about eating healthily, physical activity at least three times a week, be in harmony with nature, to have strong emotional ties, but also means to eat constructive thoughts, full of love and empathy to themselves and what surrounds us. Recent research on long-lived people, who came to old age in good health, conducted by eminent doctors, showed that it was not just the type of power, nor to abstain from alcohol, which led them to that state, as an attitude to develop a positive approach towards life. For positive approach towards life, I mean the ability to let go of trauma, negative thoughts and keep a relaxed attitude towards life's challenges, even seeing the humor, Osho would say "laugh life." When we let go of the challenges of life is the moment when we experience what we are really more e spesso ci si accorge di avere una forza e un’energia completamente inaspettata. Queste sono le esperienze di persone realmente guarite da gravi malattie o persone che hanno avuto un grave incidente che sono andate in coma e sono riuscite dal coma e guarite. Un esempio di questi casi è il medico di fama internazionale Roy Martina, che dopo essere guarito da un traumatico incidente, che aveva per sempre “apparentemente” segnato il suo sogno di diventare un chirurgo, lo ha portato invece a specializzarsi dopo la laurea in medicina tradizionale, in medicine alternative che lo hanno condotto a diventare medico e coaching di successo mondiale. E’ l’inventore delle tecniche di Equilibrio Emozionale o di NEI (integrazione neuro emozionale) Healing and Omega, as well as having written successful books. The main idea of \u200b\u200bhis revolutionary methods is that all too often at an unconscious level individuals can autosabotare with misconduct or limiting beliefs that promote the onset of illness and psychological and physical decay. In all Oriental medicine, there is no abrupt transition from health to disease, but a continuum. To the east in fact, health does not imply absence of disease, so much so that a person begins to "die" when it slowly begins to fade in its energy field. The modern discoveries of quantum physics are completely in line with the theories of ancient Taoist, and Ayurvedic medicine. We are atoms and molecules that vibrate at a certain frequency and with sophisticated devices that measure electromagnetic changes in the cell for example by nuclear magnetic resonance recognize tumor cells from normal cells. Has long been known that people are living longer serene, but the discovery of Dr. Candace Pert have thrown the biochemical basis of the existence of a new branch of the psycho-neuro-endocrine immunology. Thanks to his research, physiology and biophysics Dr. Pert discovered that not only in the brain, but even in T cells of the immune system, were the receptors for beta-endorphins, our endogenous opiates, or molecules of the "welfare" . As Dr. Deepak Chopra writes in his book "The My path to wellness "," often we get sick because of the belief that this is the reality of life ... the key to the reality of our universe is that unconsciously we choose .... " The good news that emotional intelligence, or empathy for oneself and for others can learn and improve by removing the root of many evils .... Reading the books of the psychologist Dr. Daniel Goleman author of, among other things, "Emotional Intelligence" you will discover how these goals are within reach of anyone. The photo, which I put in this article, the clouds lit by the setting sun, the clouds would like to represent that as there are now no tomorrow, because they are taken away by the wind, so the negative thoughts, the wrong attitudes can be swept away by the wind of inner awareness. As the Dalai Lama "Happiness can be achieved by training the mind by adopting a certain inner discipline ... we can change our attitude, our entire world view and our approach to life."
From: Roy Martina "The formula for life" Ed Sperling & Kupfer
Roy Martina "emotional equilibrium" and. New techniques
Candace Pert "Molecules of emotion" Ed Corbaccio
Deepak Chopra: "My path to wellness" Ed Sperling
Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence" Ed Rizzoli
Dalai Lama with Howard C. Cutler, "The Art of Happiness" Oscar Mondadori Ed
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Valerian Root Vs. Chamomile
Recipe and Photo by Alessandra Cenci
Serves 2:
100 grams of buckwheat, 600 grams of pumpkin, 200 grams of radicchio, a leek or onion in its place a green onion, extra virgin olive oil, dried parsley, red pepper, paprika, salt
Do not worry, because despite its name, buckwheat is a cereal, but a polygonacea and is completely free of gluten, which is suitable for power gluten-free. To be used as food grains have to be dug.
Buckwheat does not need prior soaking, but you still need a wash and then you can directly put to cook in a terracotta dish with a double in volume of water for about twenty minutes. Meanwhile, the leek, cut into small pieces, only the white part below the root or without the onion and sauté gently apart with a little 'extra virgin olive oil in a kwok, with dried parsley, and pepper . Add a little after the pumpkin peeled and cut into cubes, and if possible made almost a pulp with the blender, and ten minutes later, add the radicchio washed e sminuzzato e farli cuocere a fuoco lento con il coperchio. Controllarli nella cottura e girarli di tanto in tanto. A cottura quasi ultimata aggiungere un velo di paprika in polvere. Terminare la cottura dei vegetali e del grano saraceno unendoli insieme nel kwok per gli ultimi cinque minuti. Servire a tavola.
Proprietà del grano saraceno ( Fagopyrum esculentum )
Come accennato sopra il grano saraceno non è un cereale ma una polygonacea, per cui è privo di glutine e adatto ai celiaci ed agli intolleranti al glutine. La pianta è originaria dell’Asia ed è stata introdotta in Europa dai turchi nel medioevo. Il grano saraceno, anche dopo la macinazione, conserva un amido particolare a più slow digestion, which is why it is also indicated in the diet of diabetics. And 'rich in minerals, especially iron and magnesium and B vitamins and vitamin E. It 's very rich in protein and contains a good amount of essential amino acids such as lysine, which was lacking in cereals, and tryptophan. The nutritional value of its proteins is comparable to that of meat and soya. Its flour contains rutin, which protects the blood vessels. It also has a hemorrhagic action. E 'useful in growth in fatigue and during lactation.
Properties pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima )
The pumpkin is particularly rich in carotenes and Vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, calcium and fiber. The high presence of carotenoids make a food effective in preventing cancer. It contains a low percentage of lipids. It 's suitable for diabetics and weight-loss diets. Has diuretic, laxative and sedative. The seeds are vermifuge properties and purify the kidneys.
Properties radicchio ( Cychorium Intybus)
has a high cleansing power of the blood. It 's very rich in minerals, anthocyanins, vitamins of group B, A and C. Aids digestion, liver function and stimulates the secretion bile. Its fibers give laxative properties.
From: GIALLA.htm-
Recipe and Photo by Alessandra Cenci
Serves 2:
100 grams of buckwheat, 600 grams of pumpkin, 200 grams of radicchio, a leek or onion in its place a green onion, extra virgin olive oil, dried parsley, red pepper, paprika, salt
Do not worry, because despite its name, buckwheat is a cereal, but a polygonacea and is completely free of gluten, which is suitable for power gluten-free. To be used as food grains have to be dug.
Buckwheat does not need prior soaking, but you still need a wash and then you can directly put to cook in a terracotta dish with a double in volume of water for about twenty minutes. Meanwhile, the leek, cut into small pieces, only the white part below the root or without the onion and sauté gently apart with a little 'extra virgin olive oil in a kwok, with dried parsley, and pepper . Add a little after the pumpkin peeled and cut into cubes, and if possible made almost a pulp with the blender, and ten minutes later, add the radicchio washed e sminuzzato e farli cuocere a fuoco lento con il coperchio. Controllarli nella cottura e girarli di tanto in tanto. A cottura quasi ultimata aggiungere un velo di paprika in polvere. Terminare la cottura dei vegetali e del grano saraceno unendoli insieme nel kwok per gli ultimi cinque minuti. Servire a tavola.
Proprietà del grano saraceno ( Fagopyrum esculentum )
Come accennato sopra il grano saraceno non è un cereale ma una polygonacea, per cui è privo di glutine e adatto ai celiaci ed agli intolleranti al glutine. La pianta è originaria dell’Asia ed è stata introdotta in Europa dai turchi nel medioevo. Il grano saraceno, anche dopo la macinazione, conserva un amido particolare a più slow digestion, which is why it is also indicated in the diet of diabetics. And 'rich in minerals, especially iron and magnesium and B vitamins and vitamin E. It 's very rich in protein and contains a good amount of essential amino acids such as lysine, which was lacking in cereals, and tryptophan. The nutritional value of its proteins is comparable to that of meat and soya. Its flour contains rutin, which protects the blood vessels. It also has a hemorrhagic action. E 'useful in growth in fatigue and during lactation.
Properties pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima )
The pumpkin is particularly rich in carotenes and Vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, calcium and fiber. The high presence of carotenoids make a food effective in preventing cancer. It contains a low percentage of lipids. It 's suitable for diabetics and weight-loss diets. Has diuretic, laxative and sedative. The seeds are vermifuge properties and purify the kidneys.
Properties radicchio ( Cychorium Intybus)
has a high cleansing power of the blood. It 's very rich in minerals, anthocyanins, vitamins of group B, A and C. Aids digestion, liver function and stimulates the secretion bile. Its fibers give laxative properties.
From: GIALLA.htm-
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Williams Disease -syndrome
Pictures Alessandra Cenci
In the books of biology and medicine of at least twenty years ago, 's allergy was considered as an exaggeration of the immune system against something that supposedly had "nothing dangerous," not a question of agents infection and mediated by IgE antibodies, which are specific antibodies. Yet in 1991, Dr. Kaplan had described the phenomenon of allergy was much more complex than that related to the presence of only IgE, as already reported in those years increased prevalence of allergy in the population without having found an equal increase in IgE. This could also occur because new pesticides or added colors or preservatives in foods may act as new allergens. Fortunately, the true allergies are rare in the population, while very often involved in these cases is a food intolerance. Unlike allergies, intolerances are not IgE mediated, although still give rise to an inflammatory reaction, but with different mechanisms. While in the case of allergy symptoms are quite defined, usually they occur on the respiratory system and skin, and rarely appear on the gastro, but in the case of allergies may be less clear. This is because allergies are the result of an immunological stimulus intensity is very low but repeated over time. In allergies, the reaction is immediate, and symptoms can also be from trivial to very serious to anaphylaxis. Conversely, the symptoms of allergies ranging from simple headaches to dysentery and intestinal bloating, sleepiness, fatigue ... and other organs are rarely involved. Intolerance may be of various types.
Some are congenital since they relate to the inability to metabolize certain substances in the body, others may be transient. The most common is lactose intolerance which is a sugar found in milk, because they are not produced adequate amounts of the enzyme lactase. This intolerance is usually inherited. Another example of this type of intolerance is favism, which is a hereditary genetic disease that depends on the deficiency of an enzyme-phosphate dehydrogenase glucosio6, normally present in red blood cells and crucial for their survival and may cause very serious symptoms of eating the beans. A special case is celiac disease, which consists of a "permanent intolerance 'to gluten, a protein found in most cereals: wheat, rye, barley, oats, kamut and farro. Celiac disease is considered a "permanent intolerance" because eating cereals containing gluten occurs an autoimmune reaction against gliadin, which is a protein found in gluten, which can lead to atrophy of intestinal villi resulting in serious problems of malabsorption. The only cure is to completely nell'astenersi from all substances containing gluten. Gluten-free foods including grains and "grain-like" are brown rice, potatoes, tapioca, corn, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, el'amaranto. Without going to celiac disease, although not many people allergic to wheat or celiac disease sometimes have digestive problems such as bloating and stomach cramps when they consume products with wheat flour. Unfortunately, on one hand the work of geneticists in the last 100 years has made it possible to feed more people thanks to the increased grain production, thereby also increasing the size of the ear, and the decrease of the barrel, the other in the noble attempt to get these results are not enough crosses between different varieties, the seeds were irradiated in the nucleus in order to artificially increase mutations. In addition we are forced fertilization with nitrates for greater growth. Unfortunately, the genetic mutations induced and nitrate-rich fertilizers have led to overly rich in gluten flour. If we consider the kamut (Triticum turgidum ) which is a very ancient grain, the seeds were found in the tombs of pharaohs, similar to our wheat (Triticum vulgare ), which has never been genetically manipulated, it is very more digestible to its limited amount of gluten. Compared to common wheat, Kamut is richer in protein (by between 15% and 40%), minerals such as magnesium and zinc, vitamin B and vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids and. In conclusion it would be desirable to all consumers of wheat to vary the diet and introducing other grains such as kamut, farro, the variety of grain Senatore Cappelli, who was selected in the last century but has not been irradiated. It would then recommend that the cereals are produced from organic farming and biodynamic, and free of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides. Remember that we are only directly responsible for our health and that of our children.
IMPORTANT The information and ideas contained in this article are purely informational materials explaining the choices available diagnostic and therapeutic, and will not in any way, nor substituted for the prescription nor medical attention, always recommended in case of disease in progress.
Speciani A. "An allergy causes, diagnosis, treatment," Ed Technical
http://sapermangiare .mobi/17/per_saperne_di_piu/allergie_e_intolleranze_alimentari.htm / 2010/rubriche/alimenti-e-salute/il-grano-aumento-delle-allergie-ed-intolleranze-alimentari /
In the books of biology and medicine of at least twenty years ago, 's allergy was considered as an exaggeration of the immune system against something that supposedly had "nothing dangerous," not a question of agents infection and mediated by IgE antibodies, which are specific antibodies. Yet in 1991, Dr. Kaplan had described the phenomenon of allergy was much more complex than that related to the presence of only IgE, as already reported in those years increased prevalence of allergy in the population without having found an equal increase in IgE. This could also occur because new pesticides or added colors or preservatives in foods may act as new allergens. Fortunately, the true allergies are rare in the population, while very often involved in these cases is a food intolerance. Unlike allergies, intolerances are not IgE mediated, although still give rise to an inflammatory reaction, but with different mechanisms. While in the case of allergy symptoms are quite defined, usually they occur on the respiratory system and skin, and rarely appear on the gastro, but in the case of allergies may be less clear. This is because allergies are the result of an immunological stimulus intensity is very low but repeated over time. In allergies, the reaction is immediate, and symptoms can also be from trivial to very serious to anaphylaxis. Conversely, the symptoms of allergies ranging from simple headaches to dysentery and intestinal bloating, sleepiness, fatigue ... and other organs are rarely involved. Intolerance may be of various types.
Some are congenital since they relate to the inability to metabolize certain substances in the body, others may be transient. The most common is lactose intolerance which is a sugar found in milk, because they are not produced adequate amounts of the enzyme lactase. This intolerance is usually inherited. Another example of this type of intolerance is favism, which is a hereditary genetic disease that depends on the deficiency of an enzyme-phosphate dehydrogenase glucosio6, normally present in red blood cells and crucial for their survival and may cause very serious symptoms of eating the beans. A special case is celiac disease, which consists of a "permanent intolerance 'to gluten, a protein found in most cereals: wheat, rye, barley, oats, kamut and farro. Celiac disease is considered a "permanent intolerance" because eating cereals containing gluten occurs an autoimmune reaction against gliadin, which is a protein found in gluten, which can lead to atrophy of intestinal villi resulting in serious problems of malabsorption. The only cure is to completely nell'astenersi from all substances containing gluten. Gluten-free foods including grains and "grain-like" are brown rice, potatoes, tapioca, corn, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, el'amaranto. Without going to celiac disease, although not many people allergic to wheat or celiac disease sometimes have digestive problems such as bloating and stomach cramps when they consume products with wheat flour. Unfortunately, on one hand the work of geneticists in the last 100 years has made it possible to feed more people thanks to the increased grain production, thereby also increasing the size of the ear, and the decrease of the barrel, the other in the noble attempt to get these results are not enough crosses between different varieties, the seeds were irradiated in the nucleus in order to artificially increase mutations. In addition we are forced fertilization with nitrates for greater growth. Unfortunately, the genetic mutations induced and nitrate-rich fertilizers have led to overly rich in gluten flour. If we consider the kamut (Triticum turgidum ) which is a very ancient grain, the seeds were found in the tombs of pharaohs, similar to our wheat (Triticum vulgare ), which has never been genetically manipulated, it is very more digestible to its limited amount of gluten. Compared to common wheat, Kamut is richer in protein (by between 15% and 40%), minerals such as magnesium and zinc, vitamin B and vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids and. In conclusion it would be desirable to all consumers of wheat to vary the diet and introducing other grains such as kamut, farro, the variety of grain Senatore Cappelli, who was selected in the last century but has not been irradiated. It would then recommend that the cereals are produced from organic farming and biodynamic, and free of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides. Remember that we are only directly responsible for our health and that of our children.
IMPORTANT The information and ideas contained in this article are purely informational materials explaining the choices available diagnostic and therapeutic, and will not in any way, nor substituted for the prescription nor medical attention, always recommended in case of disease in progress.
Speciani A. "An allergy causes, diagnosis, treatment," Ed Technical
http://sapermangiare .mobi/17/per_saperne_di_piu/allergie_e_intolleranze_alimentari.htm / 2010/rubriche/alimenti-e-salute/il-grano-aumento-delle-allergie-ed-intolleranze-alimentari /
Friday, October 8, 2010
Build Your Belt Online
Improvement: 10% VAT
also experimentally by January 1, 2007, the possibility of deducting tax expenses of up to 1,000 € for real estate brokerage regularly reported.
Improvement: 10% VATFor those who want to renovate the old house has been re-introduced reduced rate | |
now it is more convenient to restructure
The text, arrived in court on 25/07/2006 after the approval of the Budget Committee, reintroduces the reduced VAT rate of 10% on building renovations.
The measure, introduced by an amendment approved in the Senate Budget Committee, will enter into force on 1 October this year and will be available for three months. The confirmation will take place, possibly with the 2007 Budget.
The decree on liberalization (DL 223/2006) had established - remember - that the 41% income tax deduction for building renovations were made subject to the condition that, for expenses incurred after the entry into force of the decree, the invoice by the person who performed the operation were presented separately the cost of labor (Article 35 paragraph 19).
The measure, introduced by an amendment approved in the Senate Budget Committee, will enter into force on 1 October this year and will be available for three months. The confirmation will take place, possibly with the 2007 Budget.
The decree on liberalization (DL 223/2006) had established - remember - that the 41% income tax deduction for building renovations were made subject to the condition that, for expenses incurred after the entry into force of the decree, the invoice by the person who performed the operation were presented separately the cost of labor (Article 35 paragraph 19).
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The income tax deduction
No changes on personal income tax rates: the deduction remains at 41% and the roof deductible to 48,000 €. Introduced also experimentally by January 1, 2007, the possibility of deducting tax expenses of up to 1,000 € for real estate brokerage regularly reported.
Nysc Student Distcount
Calculate the mortgage payment on line
Calculate the mortgage payment on line | |
| |
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Guinea Pig Liver Symptoms
the largest dam in the world
2.3 km long and 185 meters high , bisects the Yangtze River
2.3 km long and 185 meters high , bisects the Yangtze River
inaugurated the largest dam in the world
Feast for the turbines already in operation but 1200 villages have been submerged and displaced more than one million
- E 'was officially inaugurated the largest and most contested piece of architecture in the world, proudly called the "Great Wall" of the third millennium. After thirteen years of work, and a year ahead of schedule, was completed in China's Three Gorges Dam. The press and media have celebrated as the symbol of development and power of China, an incredible amount of record numbers. But beyond that divide the river divides this work, to some extent, the whole country, given the human and environmental costs that resulted.
FIGURES - 2.3 km long and 185 meters high, bisects the continent's longest river, the Yangtze (6,300 km) in the central province of Hubei, and create a reservoir of 1084 km square. The final cost twice as fixed at the beginning, and 'equal to 21 billion €, while for the workforce, who came from all over the country, it took 25 000 men. Some turbines are already operational, but once everything is completed and the plant will operate at full capacity, ie in 2009, the hydroelectric complex will produce about 85 billion kilowatts of energy per year, through the use of 26 generators. An electric potential to be reckoned with for a country like China in search of non-polluting sources to satisfy a growing thirst for energy of 10% per year and that still depends on coal for 70%.
CRITICISM - Fin beginning, though, the criticisms are not missed. Environmentalists, journalists and intellectuals have repeatedly raised his voice against the high human and environmental costs of the dam, and many times they were silenced. Until a few days ago, when the work was presented to journalists, many farmers have rushed to the scene to denounce the forced evictions that have been forced and the conditions they are currently. When the poor promised compensation never arrived, the houses are too small and insufficient field, said to journalists. Even today, the central government has announced its intention to support the local economy over the next 20 years through subsidies, con l’intenzione evidente di calmare le proteste.
1200 VILLAGGI SOMMERSI: 1,1 MILIONI DI SFOLLATI - Più di 1200 villaggi sono scomparsi sotto le acque, come Zigui e Zhongbao, oppure sono stati ricostruiti qualche chilometro più in là. «Il problema degli sfollati è molto importante, anche dalla sua risoluzione dipende il successo del Progetto delle Tre Gole», ha dichiarato alla stampa il general manager del Committee for the Construction of Three Gorges Project (Cctgp), Li Yongan. Fino ad oggi sono state spostate 1,1 milioni di persone a cui si aggiungeranno altre 800 mila persone in autunno, quando il livello dell’acqua aumenterà ancora.
20 maggio 2006
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