The cause halitosis in most cases is generally due to poor oral hygiene, gum problems, and food particles that remain in the mouth and ferment.
What to do to fix this nasty problem? First of all easy enough to observe rules of personal hygiene.
Maintaining oral hygiene. That means brushing teeth several times during the day and especially after each meal or snack. Always use the wire floss to remove any remaining food so that it can cause odor.
Treat also the hygiene of the language.
There are, in trade, brushes his teeth with the back complied specifically for cleaning the tongue.
often Rinse mouth with disinfectant of the mouth.
You can buy in a pharmacy or supermarket and should be used after you brush your teeth.
Drink lots of water. A dry mouth is an attractive place for all the bacteria that are the basis of most of the problems of halitosis. So let us keep it well hydrated for disadvantage if not ' settlement least proliferation.
not smoke. The smoke not only to harm to health is an enemy to those who suffer from halitosis
natural remedies
maceration of licorice, fennel and anise
125 grams of liguirizia in root, 60 g fennel seeds, 60 gr of aniseed.
Preparation Soak the 'whole mixture in a quart of dry white wine for ten days. After this period, filter and take a teaspoon prima dei pasti e due dopo ogni pasto.
Infuso di lavanda, salvia e menta
3 g di salvia, 3 g di menta, 3 g di lavanda
Triturare, mescolare e mettere tutta la miscela in infusione per una decina di minuti in 120 ml di acqua bollente e utilizzare per risciaqui .
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