Saturday, February 19, 2011

Milena Velba Milking Contest


photo of the painting abstract art "Energy in Motion" by artist Stephen Gubbins and future top coaching

Remember the movie "The Day After?" In that case had been a big change thanks to an environmental cataclysm, in this case the return the seminar of spiritual self-hypnosis has been a big change thanks to a major outlet of awareness. If You are what you believe to be, as Don Miguel Ruiz writes in his book "The Fifth Agreement" it follows "that our lives are completely dominated by the belief systems that we have learned ... but the real you is special and is beyond everything you know ... " All of you are special, even if you do not know yet. I am attaching an article I wrote for the Blog return from spiritual self-hypnosis seminar held by Roy Martin and his son Joey.

'The last light goes out over the audience, the gaze of more than six hundred people head towards the stage lit by a blue light, where there are now Roy Martina, his son Joey and Beatrice, the translator. Quiet and contemplative atmosphere emerge the first words of Roy "... one step at a time you begin to discover yourself, your thoughts, your emotions. The patterns with which you are not reacting, since young people are in a state of hypnosis. We believe that what they say i nostri genitori ed i nostri insegnanti sia vero e cominciamo a comportarci in quel modo allontanandoci sempre di più da noi stessi. Noi siamo amore puro, luce, ma la nostra luce non brilla in modo così luminoso, molti addirittura la spengono. L’obiettivo è essere una luce luminosa in ogni istante…”. Già da queste sole parole sento un’energia maggiore vibrare dentro di me. Ora Roy, ci presenta suo figlio Joey. Lui è il protagonista del seminario, questo è il suo primo seminario in Europa. Joey ha diciotto anni, è solo da un anno e mezzo che ha deciso di intraprendere questo cammino e ha chiesto al padre di essere guidato, la sua formazione è solo all’inizio eppure lui ha già elaborato e sedimentato something I learned and made it his own. Even in the face of this beautiful young teenage boy, you see big screens vibrate in his eyes, his look, and feel that we are talking about him with all his soul. This seminar is one of his creations, the role of the father Roy is a guide only, to add his experience to the knowledge of the child. Roy keen to stress that Joey is no different from other kids, its only difference is that from any other guy, Joey received a completely different, not because it is his son. The message that Roy and Joey turn to the many children in the audience is that all of you, all you can really become what you want. It receives vibration of happiness. Joey, however, is not content with being on stage, he wants to get off and walk among us in the audience. Joey says to a boy of fourteen, "I know what you want, so I would like you to come with me on stage and share it with all what you get from this seminar. The boy follows him and says "I want to get less stress from school and life," Joey thanks him for being very brave, and invites us to become all one big family, to get up and reach out to others. It immediately creates a beautiful exchange of energy and love. Roy now calls us and adds "... You can hold conversations with their very strong echo. You think you talk to the other, I believe that the other plays, but both were talking only to yourself, with your echo. The echo is your inner voice speaking to you, but we hear that echo is not us ... it is something we have been told that even thirty years ago, but that continues to ring in with phrases negative and destructive as I am not good enough, not smart, do not deserve, I am not worthy to be loved, we believe it is true, but fortunately it is not so, this seminar will change your life because you are not an echo ... "the pause that creates before Joey resume to speak, is a very eloquent pause, is fantastic news I am sure that each of us was asked ... "So when I say this ... and then this other and I'm bad ... I'm not." After another short pause quantum wave raises us up a step higher and that's Joey "... I wish you prepare to release the blocks and sabotage in order to eliminate all your echoes, sit back and close your eyes ..." His words and a beautiful background music accompanies us and cuddle ... we are preparing the first of the ten meditations ... are our breaths in unison ... ... ... I leave a space for you readers, but this seems a blank dots are your feelings ... le vostre sensazioni, sono le mie, le nostre… nel silenzio vi voglio dire solo alcune rivelazioni che mi hanno particolarmente colpito…”Sono stato creato per condividere e ricevere amore”… “Vedo amore in tutto ed in tutti” “Noi concreiamo con l’amore” . . .


Don Miguel Ruis & Don Josè Ruiz –Ed. Il punto d’Incontro


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