Thursday, May 27, 2010

Traditional Interpretation Progressivism

Migliorare la nostra immagine si può

care of itself in our times has become increasingly important. The perception of a person counts for ourselves and for others.
In fact, the whole world fashion, a thousand times conflicting trends, it is difficult to understand what really does it for us. As a consequence, it is easy to err, make mistakes is not serious, however, involves a waste of time and money. And frustration. Well, not everyone can get the best for themselves with their own forces. There are many tools to make us better, but they help us on the surface. Try a make-up is not enough in perfumery, as well as buy 10 items of fashion. A wardrobe
edited, organized and full of everything that we need not always easy to obtain. We often do not realize what it really is a complex task! Sometimes we are not aware of the mistakes that we continue to make, when in fact some simple steps that would be enough time to earn and save money.
Similarly, care of ourselves is not to be taken for granted. We are sure to use the more appropriate basis for our skin? To know what gives us the most? We believe that you can not make us more beautiful in a few minutes and renounce it, or we would not know how to retouch or change the makeup in the various phases of the day?
And finally, why not combine the choice of wardrobe in a studio make-up custom? The harmony of the whole is not an easy objective to achieve alone, but is a tool of great help in social life and work, and also helps give a picture of us at ease and safe.
And then you can rely on professionals such as personal shopper and image consultant, or a Make-up Artist. Or, all three figures together! See
three professionals would be expensive, certainly, and how can we be sure that the results are organic? In fact, consultations would take place separately.
The solution is: consult all three together. How? By participating in a seminar style and beauty, in which an image consultant and a Make-Up Artist will reveal the tricks and secrets to find clothes, fabrics, i colori e le linee che più ti donano, ma anche a valorizzare il tuo viso attraverso il trucco e la cosmesi, per completare la tua immagine e per farti sentire davvero bene nella tua pelle! Un workshop di gruppo è la soluzione ideale per chi vuole imparare a scegliere da sola e rendersi indipendente, per essere sempre pronta a tutti gli imprevisti e agli eventi di una vita quotidiana che diventa sempre più dinamica e imprevedibile! Inoltre, è un modo low cost e informale per fare in una sola giornata quello che richiederebbe molte ore di consulenza, imparando a lavorare su noi stesse in prima persona.


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