Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Candy For Sale Katy Dids


Photo and recipe Alessandra Cenci

Ingredients for two persons: 400 grams chicory, purple medium size 3 carrots, shallots, extra-virgin olive oil, sage, parsley, savory, red pepper, 500 grams of gnocchi, primosale 80 grams of cheese, sea salt, a pinch of sugar cane full

Do not worry, I am not proposing carrots GM does not know hardly anyone and I have recently discovered , originally the carrots were not orange as we know them, but they were purple. Carrots (Daucus carota ) derived from Persia. It was the Dutch In 1720, during the dynasty of Orange, to select the orange carrot through a series of genetic crosses with a carrot North America. Purple carrots contain beta carotene as well as the orange, are much richer than the orange variety of carotenoids and anthocyanins pigments which are antioxidants that counteract the effects of free radicals, so they have a protective role by preventing inflammation and cancer slowing the aging process. The results of research conducted by Dr. Lindsay Brown of the University of Southern Queensland and published in the British Journal of Nutrition, showed that the purple carrots may have an adjuvant role in fighting obesity and hypertension along with a healthy diet and exercise. The purple carrots have a delicate flavor, which contrasts well the bitter taste of chicory in this dish. If not found, the orange go well. Finally
first salt in cheese, whole milk is gently pasteurized, thus retaining all its nutritional value and is easier to digest. For those intolerant to cow's milk cheese can replace this with a goat cheese. Gnocchi kamut can be found in health food stores.

Turning to the recipe, in a kwok or in a frying pan over a flame spreader retina, gently fry a chopped shallots with olive oil and crushed red pepper and spices such as parsley, sage and savory. Review the purple carrots and chicory, washed and chopped for a few minutes for flavor and then let them cook for 20-25 minutes with the remaining two inches of water by adding a pinch of sea salt and a pinch full of Full of sugar cane. Apart, boil the water for the gnocchi. When the sauce is ready, boil the gnocchi in a few minutes and wipe with the cooked vegetables in the pan or kwok. Finally before you bring to the table topped with cubes of cheese first salt.

Properties chicory (Cichorium intybus )
Despite being a bit of taste 'bitter, with some of his special sostanze, la cicoria ha molte proprietà depurative del fegato e dei reni, disintossicante, diuretica, ipoglicemizzante ed è anche un blando lassativo. La cicoria è ricca di sali minerali quali sodio, potassio, magnesio, calcio, ferro, rame, fosforo; cloruri, vitamine quali la B, C, P, K; amminoacidi, lipidi e protidi.

Da: http://notizie.tiscali.it/articoli/scienza/10/08/carote-viola-proprieta-antinfiammatorie.html